" At the close of the last period, ending 25 August 1952, it appeared that the major portion of the unit's problems had been satisfactorily

Personnel movements had been firmed up with Air Weather Service

Headquarters, with two hundred personnel moving by air and one hundred
scheduled for water shipment.

Supply matters had been given consider=

able attention, with the difficulties in this category revolving around

matters of certain critical supplies and equipment for aircraft maintenance, In the following paragraphs a summary of problems and solutions

is noted.


The movement of one hundred and two persons by water shipment from
Hawaii to Kwajalein was an undesirable feature of our proposed move due
to the excessive time lost in this process.

“The Commanding Officer,

2143d Air Weather Wing, initiated action with the C -smanding General,
1502@ Air Transport Wing in Japan, to supply sufficient airlift to eliminate the need for use of water transportation.

Though the facilities

offered by the Commanding General, 15024 Air Transport Wing could not
have filled the requirenents » the action resulting from the offer was
such that Pacific Division, MATS at Hickam, agreed to support an entire
air movement of one hundred and fifty-two persons from Hickam to Kwaja-


(The Cormanding General, 15024 Air Transport Wing, had offered

to make one (1) C~54 aircraft and crew available to the unit beginning
1 October 1952.)

Thus it was possible to cancel the water shipzrent

and substitute the following eir movenent schedule via MATS.
15 September 1952 -~-- 32 persons

mber 1952 --~- 49 persons!
24 Septe
a ff


Select target paragraph3