Narrative Summary (cont'd)

from Task Group 132.4.

It was requested that this unit screen the

listing and indicate itemg wh ‘1 could be cancelled, made available
from base supply, be provided by the 57th Strategic Reconnaissance

Squadron from UPREAL property, and those which were absolutely essential
and not available from local sources.

Of this list, approximately

seventy-five (75) percent of the items were cancelled.

Of the remain-

ing items however, fifty (50) line items were considered to be supercritical,

A great deal of work was required to screen the lists, by

both the 57th SRS and AFIASO, analyze minimum needs, and determine
equipment which might be provided from local sources,

Although the mit

could do little with respect to critical parts, action was taken to
pack and ship approximately thirty thousand pounds of UPREAL equipment
from Hickam to Kwajalein via unit YC-97 aircraft,

This equipment con-

sisted primarily of maintenance stands and certain special tools.

As early as February 1952, thie mit hed arranged with AFL,SO for
the build-up of approximately 16 R-3350-57M and AM engines for use by

the element at Kwajalein. Since these items were committed, it behooved
the unit to provide for transport of these engines to Kwajalein.


Headquarters, Air Weather Service, had been requested to provide MATS

airlift from Hickam to Kwajelein for two (2) built-up R-3350 engines per
week beginning 12 October 1952,

It became evident later however, that

the provision of special airlift would not be required since Task Group
132.4 had made arrangements for all R-3350 build-up for the entire -re~
ject to be accomplished at Hickam, engines to be supplied to Fw.Jclein

on an AOCP basis,

At the

2 time there ws to be no "gper’elly ello-


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