Narrative Summary (cont'd)
craft approximately four (4) days after the originally scheduled departure for that troop space.

One (1) airman was sent to the Zone of

interior to be administered the aviation cadet examinations and is
scheduled to report to Kwajalein immediately upon his return to Hickam,

One (1) airean vas held at Hickam in order to process his discharge and

reenlistment on 2 October 1952.

Upon completion of this process he will

be ship-od to Kwajelein, The fifth airman was hospitalized five (5)
days prior to his scheduled departure and because of his indefinite release date, a quary to the advance echelon of this element was directed
in order to establish vhether the troop space requirement, administrative

clerk, could be deleted,

An affirmative response was received and the

space was deleted from the manning requirements,
During the pericd 20 August to 5 September 1952, a second supply
survey team visited Kwajalein to obtain a last minute run-down on the
supply status prior to dispatch of our advance echelon.

The information

obtained at that time was to the effect that. only a token percentage ine
crease in supplies was noted since our earlier visit of approximately

thirty (30) days previous.

Of 3665 items requisitioned, 3221 items were

on hand, roughly eighty-six (86) percent of the total,

It wes estimated

on the previous survey that between eighty (80) and eighty-five (85) percent of supplies were on hand at that time,

It was also noted at the

time of this second survey that many critical items of WB-29 parts and
meintenence equipment had not as yet appeared at Kwajalein,
Tne supply situation became considerably clearer on the third of

September, at which tim




of supplies was received

Select target paragraph3