August 23, 1974

College of Fisheries
Laboratory ef Radiation Ecology

Mr. Roger Ray
Asst. Manager for Operations
USAEC, Wevada Operations Office
P. O. Box 14199

Las Vegas, Nevada


Dear Mr. Ray:
A second supplement to the 1973-74 Johnston Atoll contract was in
amount of $5977 for the analvses of samples collected at Rongelap
Bikini in April, 1974.
A report of the first results of analyses
submitted to Mr. Tommy McCraw, DOS, on 3 July, and a copy of that


is attached. Following is a report of the results of the analyses for
the remaining samples.

Plutonium, iron-55 and strontium-90 analyses, except for one strontium-90

sample that was lost, have been completed for 38 samples of soil, fish and

_ coconut crabs collected on Bikini Island and Rongelap Atoll in April, 1974.
The results of these analyses are given in Tables la,

2a, 3a, 4, 5a and 5h.

Relative to the 3 July report, Tables la, 2a, 3a, 5a and 5b supplement
Tables 1, 2, 3 and 5, and Table 4 replaces Table 4.

In the soil samples, most of the 996, Pu, and gamma-emitting radionuclides

werg in the top 25cm of the profiles.

Strdnatium-99 levels in the coconut crabs were greater for the Bikini than
for the,Rongelap samples and, as exnected, the greatest tissue concentration
Sarathe eneskeleton.
The levels of 99¢r in the caconnt crab collected
( on Bikini Island in 1974 fall at the lower end of the ranse of values


§Yeported by Held (1971, NVO-269-8) for coconut crabs collected on Bikini

Island in 1969.

Two samples, the 0 to 2.5 cm increment from soil profile #2 and the Bikini
crab exoskeleton,are being reanalyzed for 29Sr because of inconsistent values

for the first two analyses.

Island in 1974,

Mullet and goatfish collected near Bikini

compared with fish collected there in 1969

similar levels of 90Sr but lower levels of 55Fe.

(Held, 1971), had

Except for the two samples being reanalyzed, this completes the analyses of
samples described in the Second Supplement to the 1973~74 Johnston Atoll
program. We are presently analyzing the remainder of the samples collected
during the April, 1974, trim to Utirik, Rongelap and Bilini Atolls as part
of the 1974-75 Johnston Atoll program.
Results of these analyses will he

forwarded to vou as they hecome available.

Select target paragraph3