During the current year, we will coordinate our program, especially the
field work, with Dr. Nat Greenhouse and other memhers of Brookhaven's
ecolosy program for Rongelap and Bikini Atolls.
<A copy of our pronosed
program has heen given to Dr. Greenhouse but we have not received a copy
of the Brookhaven program.

This report completes the final report for the 1973-74 Johnston Atoll

program and,with this submission, payment of the final 19% of the contract
{Contract AT(26-1)-269; U of W budget 61-9101] is kindly requested.
Sincerely yours,

AHS: ah

Tommy McCraw
John Stewart
Ms. Z. Sancho

Allyn H,. Seymour
Director, Laboratory of
Radiation Ecology

Select target paragraph3