Provides recommendations to the Manager in functional areas to
which NV90 allocates AEC resources, such as: Pacific construction projects; technical support, including aircraft Operations;
logistic support; and maintenance and operations.
,!~echairman of the Committee. is the AEC Scientific Advisor for
rc<z:”iness,and membership is nrovided from LRL, LASL, Sandia Laboratory, and NVOO (Executive Secretary).

Aircraft Use Committee. Receives policy and funding ~uidance” from
the OCPC and submits recommendations consistent with this guidance
directly to the Manager, NVOO on day-to-day planning and operational
Its functional areas include the following:
Review the instrumentation, development of desired capabilities and
operation of aircraft which have been designated by the USAF for
AEC utilization as diagnostic and sampler platforms, and any
other significant operational requirement concerning the use or
control of the aircraft;
through normal Laboratory channels, assure that operational
recommendations are consistent with the scientific objectives of
the Labs and with stated DOD policy and other requirements; and
periodically provides the OCPC with a resume of the Committee’s
activities along with recommendations concerning budgetary matters
in the areas affecting the aircraft in which NVOO allocates AEC
Membership is provided from LASA, LRL, Sandia Laboratory, EG&G and
NVOO (Executive Secretary).


Tamarin Committee.
as follows:

Reports to the Manager, NVOO.

Its functions are

Investigate the potential water wave hazards that may result from
nuclear detonations, and develop criteria that will aid in the
elimination or minimization of such hazards;
provide technical assistance to NVOO in contractor selection for
research, development and production of water wave measurement
provide program guidance to NVOO for the selection and administration of theoretical research contractors;
provide technical information and assistance to the Joint Hazards
Evaluation Group upon request;
provide technical assistance and guidance to NVOO in the analysis
and utilization of data obtained through experimentation and documentation; and
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