on man via the food chain. Their program supports and maintains
equipment which could be placed in forward areas to perform sample
counting, gamma detection in sea water and tritium separation.
capability will be utilized in the Bikini monitoring program, particularly in the areas of monitoring and documenting radiation levels
in marine food stuffs and potable ground water.



Planning. The Logistics Planning Group of Holmes & Narver will continue to be jointly funded and maintained by AEC and DASA at a reduced
level for planning support to these two agencies. It will act as a
central coordinating agency for information concerning AEC and DOD
plans, facilities, equipment and support requirements necessary to
respond to a direction to resume atmospheric nuclear testing.


Logistics Support. Logistical Support services will be rwovided to
AEC scientific users in connection with TDT and other aircraft readiness missions in the Pacific. This will include personnel assistance,
communications services, utilities, motor vehicles and miscellaneous


Routine maintenance and operation of
Maintenance and Operations.
facilities will be continued at Damon Tract, Hickam AFB, and to a
limited extent at NAS Barbers Point and elsewhere in the Hawaiian
Area, to the extent that these facilities are not being occupied and
maintained by DOD or other government agencies.

Planning Organizations
The following field elements participate in the formulation and planning
of Readiness Program activities.

AEC Scientific Advisor for Readiness. Acts for the Assistant General
Manager for Military Application as coordinator of all joint AEC/DOD
“ actions related to review and revision of the NNTRF; and coordinates
the review and formulation of the AEC portion of the program.


Off-Continent Planning Committee (OCPC). Provides continuing program review and recommendations to the Manager, NVOO, with a view
to achieving common objectives by the AEC/NVOO and the AEC Laboratories within available resources. The Committee:
Advises the Manager and others, as appropriate, regarding program direction and effort required to maintain the most efficient
levels of AEC test readiness consistent with national policy
Provides continuing program review in order that common AEC programmatic objectives may be attained within available funds and


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