
The Survey does claim (page 507) that activities of

Am-241-to-Pu-239, 240 in Enewetak soil range up to 3.5.

However, it goes

on to indicate that the highest ratios are for those islands which have
the lowest absolute amouats of Am-241 and Pu-239.

In a communication

with D. W. Wilson, author of the cited information, he explained that the
high ratios result from mmparing two numbers which are themselves small and
near the Limit-of-detection; consequently, the 3.5 value is not significant.
(ALL ratios greater than 1.0, moreover, were calculated for samples taken
from the southern islands of the Atoll.)

The more meaningful ratios are

listed in Table 14, page 98, of the Survey.

Those ratios are for the

northern islands and they average about 0.40 with the largest being 0.51.
Plutonium continues to be the more abundant of the two elements.

9 age 9, lines 16-18 - "Due to further radioactive decay of 24d,
Am activity concentrations can be expected to double over the
next 50 years,"

The source of 241 at Enewetak Atoll is the decay of the

parent nuclide 24tou,


decay of

Pu is


The maximum 241 activity which can result from the


241 Pu

2.6% of the initial

level is reached in 69.6 years.





This maximum

2te Am

However, at 17 years 65% of the maximum

24.an activity is already present and at 20 years 71% is present.


average time since most of the tests at Enewetak is about 20 years.
_On this basis alone the



Am levels at Enewetak will not increase by more

than 30-40% above present levels.
Page 9, lines 21-22 - "The DEIS limits consideration of
inhalation risks,"


The statement is in error.



Pu to

The DEIS includes also doses

to various organs resulting from the ingestion of




Pu via food chains.

See, for example, Table 235, p. I1-48, Vol. II for integral doses from the

various food chain; Table 239, pp. II-53 to 55, Vol. Il for doages from

Select target paragraph3