- 9 «
ingestion of terrestrial foods assuming diet at the time of return for
each of the island groups; Table 240, pp. II-56 to 58, Vol. II for dosage

from ingestion of terrestrial foods assuming a 10-year post return diet for
each of the island groups.

the ingestion of


The critical organ (bone) dose resulting from


39; 40, u is insignificant when compared to the dose From

all other radionuclides.
Estimates of doses for residents of Enewetak Atoll for various Living
and dietary patterns presented in the Enewetak Radiological Survey Report,

NVO-140 and in the Task Group Report considered the critical organ for the
most sensitive segment of the population and all pathways and all significant
contributors (radionuclides) to this exposure.*

The judgments and recommenda-

tions of the AEC Task Group were made using current guidance on radiation
protection practices.

Guidance from the Federal Radiation Council (FRC),

International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP), and the National

Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP) was used.
Page 9 - lines 22-25 - "However significant uptake of Pu from the

gastrointestinal tract has been observed in young mammals and similar
uptake may occur in young children."

This statement is partially correct.

Absorption of plutonium

from the gastrointestinal tract is as much as 100 times greater in the newborn
rat than in the adult.

<A similar effect of enhanced absorption of normally

.non-absorbed substances is observed.in the newborn of other animal species.

If such an effect occurs in the human infant, it will probably persist for
only a few days following birth.

However, the predominantly milk diet

consumed during this period is a very poor source of transuranic elements.

*Dose assessments were made for the fetus, the newborn, children and adults,
using exposure levels in the highest year predicted. Because of the
extremely small (<0.001%) contribution to the bone dose due to plutonium,
the transuranic elements were not included in this age-related assessment.

Select target paragraph3