- 14 Page 10, lines 22-26 - "Let us review the mounting evidence which

suggests that inhaled insoluble alpha emitting particles may be the
agent of atherosclerosis and thus give rise to an increased risk of
death by early coronaries and strokes, Atherosclerosis is reported
to be present in every instance of partial or complete arterial
occlusion and every case of coronary thrombosis(39) ,"

Reference 39 is identified as a 1940 paper in The American Heart
Journal pertaining to arteriosclerosis of the coronary arteries and

the mechanism of their occlusion.

The journal volume number was not

provided in the reference list, and we were unable to find the paper
by means of the year (1940) indicated in the reference listing given.
To date we have not yet located this paper.
Page 11, lines 1-3 - "Recently Benditt has shown 640) that the human
atherosclerotic plaque is a monoclonal proliferation of a mutated cell

of the artery wali, and thus an arterial tumor."

Clarification of this matter requires explanation of what the paper

of reference (40) by Benditt and Benditt (1973) actually reports and

' shows.


First, it should be pointed out that early-in embryonic development
of mammalian females there is random inactivation of one or the other

of the two x-chromosomes in various cells.

Thus, the female becomes

a mosaic of two cell types, each type having one or the other of the
pair of x~chromosomes active with respect to x-linked glucose-46-phosphate
dehydrogenase isoenzymes.

The two cell populations reproduce true to

‘type in this respect throughout somatic growth, it is thought.


and Benditt (1973) referred to Linder and Fartler as having examined
the nature of the cell population in benign uterine smooth muscle

Select target paragraph3