~ 13 Page 10, lines 12-18 - "It has long been known that those tissues

in which there is more active cell division suffer the earliest and most seve

severe radiation damage effects, and
that this includes the blood forming
cells in lymphatic glands and in bone marrow.
Such effects

include the destruction of rapidly multiplying cells that produce the
blood platelets which assist in the control of blood clotting. Similarly
the population of leucocytes is reduced with a corresponding reduction
in resistance to disease."

These sentences apply primarily to the acute radiation effects
seen after high exposure levels.

Their relevance to the effects of

alpha emitting radionuclides is not clear,
Page 10, lines 18-21 - "These effects plus the accompanying chromosome

structural changes can give rise to the earlier incidence not only of

cancers, but bbs ybote pattern of diseases of the cardiovascular and

renal systems



The author, referring to the

fact that radiation can damage or

destroy cells that produce blood platelets and leukocytes, states
that, "These effects plus the accompanying chromosome structural changes
can give rise to the earlier incidence not only of cancers, but the
whole pattern of diseases of the cardiovascular and renal systems‘? +38) 1
This statement, the manner in which it is made, and the sweeping
implications of it are misleading, non-sequitus and unaccompanied by
adequate meaningful explanation of foundation.

It attempts to faction-

alize mechanistic connections- which are so remote and speculative, and
neglectful of known aspects of the mechanisms, as to practically meaningless.
The references [37 (a publication appearing in 1938) and 38]

do not

provide substantive support for the sweeping mechanistic aspects of the

Select target paragraph3