- 24 numerical values.

Page 14, lines 18-29 - "Before any final standards are set for
the radiological cleanup of Enewetak, the International Commission on
Radiological Protection should be called upon for plutonium and actinide
standards applicable to air, water, soils and food concentrations for
both soluble and insoluble activities, applicable to long-range exposure

to the general public. Application should also be made to the U. S.
Environmental Protection Agency for special hearings for the same
purpose. Consideration should also be given to the desirability of

requesting the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of

Atomic Radiation to conduct hearings and set these standards.
indebted to Dr. Martell for these suggestions.)"

(We are

It is doubtful if UN hearings or additional EPA hearings

would bring to light any information not already known and considered, or
that ICRP would address the specific question of what would be acceptable
for Enewetak cleanup.

ICRP policy leaves to each nation a degree of

flexibility in applying the basic standards.

Theonly experience at clean-

up and rehabilitation of an atoll lies within ERDA, EPA, HEW, DOD, and
The request for EPA public hearings on plutonium soil contamination
standards appears inconsistent with the preceding paragraph on page 14
which states that such hearings are now being held around the country.
It should also be noted that there are in existence applicable ICRP
standards for air and water (and by extension, food) for both soluble and insoluble forms of these isotopes for long-range exposure to the general

Thus the only issue is the one of soil standards, which has been

discussed at length previously.
Page 15, line 5 to page 16, line 7 - "Removal and Disposal of Radiocontaminated Materials These comments relate to the proposed removal and

disposal of contaminated scrap metal and soil treated in the DEIS at Vol. 1,
$ and 5.5.

"All radiocontaminated scrap metal on the Atoll has been identified

and will be removed, as of course it must be, but the preciee method of

disposal has not been determined.

Four alternative methods are discussed:

ocean dumping of the loose scrap, concrete encapsulation in the Cactus and

Lacrosse craters at the north end of Runit islet, or removal to the United

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Select target paragraph3