- 23 Page 14, lines 7-10 - "Nor is it entirely clear who will be making
these "case-by-case" decisions. Presumably it is the "team of experts"
referred to in the recommendations of the Task Group (Vol. II, Tab B,
p. 27), but we are not told who they are or how they will be selected."
Enewetak Atoll.

Defense Nuclear Agency is responsible for cleanup of
Staff for radiological support of cleanup operations will

be selected by that Agency.

The AEC Task Group recommended inclusion of

Public Health Service (EPA) experts in the team that will interpret radiation
and radioactivity measurements and provide advice and guidance in the field
on cleanup actions, as was done for Bikini Atoll cleanup.
Page 14, lines 11-15 - "This whole approach must be explained and

justified, especially at a time when the EPA is conducting hearings around

the country on plutonium soil standards for precisely the purpose of developing
‘numerical values' for the maximum concentrations permissible,"

EPA has conducted public hearings in Washington, D.C., and

in Denver, Colorado, to "evaluate the environmental impact of plutonium and
the other transuranium elements and to consider whether new guidelines or

standards are needed to assure adequate protection of the general ambient
environment and of the public health from potential contamination of the
environment by radionuclides of these elements."

It can be seen from the

above that the purpose of the hearings was to determine whether or not additional or
new guidelines or standards are required; it was not the purpose of the hearings
to set new standards or to specifically develop plutonium soil standards,

much less "for precisely the purpose of developing ‘numerical values.",
These activities may or may not subsequently take place, but the hearings
were held to obtain information relevant to the above stated objectives

which appeared in the Federal Register.

It is expected that in time EPA

may provide additional guidance pertaining to plutonium soil standards, but
it is not at all clear at this time that this guidance will consist of

numerical values, even as FRC guidance in the past has not referred to

Select target paragraph3