- 12 :
has been used to estimate the
Pu activity in other compartments.
The calculations have also been made using a ratio of 2414/239 ,240p,
of 3.0 which is slightly more than X + I¢(i.e., 1.85 + 1.0 = 2.85).

Lagoon surface water has an average

239, 240 Pu

concentration of

39 £Ci/1 (Ref. 2, Ref. 1). Using a ratio of 1.85 7#4py/239>?40,
the 241bu activity is 72 £Ci/1l.

The ratio of 24d to 239,240,

is 0.11 (Ref. 3); therefore, the 241am activity is 4.3 f£Ci/1.
The maximum 241 Am activity which will result from decay of present

levels of 24d is 72 (0.026) = 1.87 fCi/l.
over present 241any activity.

The total


This is a 43% increase
Am which will result

ts 6.2 £Ci/l which is 16% of the 799>74%pu activity.
Concentrations in pCi per gram wet weight of

241 Am and 239, 2405,

in plankton samples are 0.23 and 0,39 respectively (Ref. 1).


the factor 1.85 for 241/739 22405, the a concentration would be

0.72 pCi/g. Maximum growth from this level of 7*!pu will be 0.72

Relative to the present 2a dA level of 0.23 pCi/g

represents an 8% increase.

0.249 pCi/g.

Relative to the

The total 24.am is 0.23 + 0.019


or 64%.

Pu levels this is 0.249/0.39


(0.026) = 0.019 pCi/g.



However, a more realistic situation is that the plankton will always

reflect the same ratio of
water concentrations,

241 Am


239 ,240 Pu

as they do to the present

Therefore, the increased 241an water concentrations

resulting from the “grow in" from 241nu will lead to 24]a concentrations
in plankton which are 85% of the

239 , 240 Pu


Select target paragraph3