-1l1Terrestrial Food Chain - 241 am data were not included in the dose

assessment because it was not detected in any of the edible food chain

239 ,240 Pu

was detected in terrestrial products and the relative

Significance of Pu was evaluated for this pathway.

239,240 Pu


less than 0.001% of the bone (the critical organ) dose via this pathway.*
InhalationPathway - 24 was not evaluated via this pathway.
Page 10, lines 10-14 - "The radiological survey is seriously inadequate
with respect to americium distribution in both vegetation and in edible
marine life to assess the consequent body burdens and health consequences
to future atoll inhabitants."

A more precise estimate of the relative increase in 241an

levels and the potential concentrations of 24dAn relative to 239,240, can
be made from data available in "Enewetak Radiological Survey", NVO-140, 1973,
(Ref. 1), from a report by V. E. Noshkin, et al., "Transuranics at Pacific
Atolls, 1. Concentrations in the Waters at Enewetak and Bikini," UCRL-51612,
1974, (Ref. 2), and from more recent data of Noshkin at Enewetak Atoll

(Ref. 3).

These data are considered for several different

compartments at Enewetak Atoll.
Water Concentrations


One crater and on lagoon sample have been analyzed for both 24boy

and 23932405, phe 241p,,)239,240, u

ratios were 1.14 and 2.56 with

a mean of 1.85 and a standard deviation of 1.0.
*xAfter maximum ingrowth of 24am,

This average ratio

the 241 am concentration will be

approximately 40% of the 23942404 present.

Assuming that the Am

uptake of americium in soils by food plants is an order of magnitude
greater than for plutonium and that the absorption of Am across the
gastrointestinal tract is two orders of magnitude greater than for Pu,

the Am contribution to the bone dose is still less than 0.5% of the total
dose. With time the proportion of dose resulting from the transuranic
elements will increase due to a decrease in the total dose resulting
from the radioactive decay of many of the fission products.

Select target paragraph3