Reprod USEfH e ing Ync NationalArchivescs:) 2:5 ne; Pacific Southwest Region KAPINGAMARANGI pe, Reference (a) _(b) Problem. Pg ets of pie 4H, 0, Chart No. 6042 Sailing Direotions Volume I Same as at Tarawa. Diggusgion. Southeastern passage was examined from a small boat and aerial observ- | ations, The current wos swift and 2-4 foot sweels were observed. At slack water it it believed an LCU could transit passage, It is however too narrow for an LST or and LSD. : The lagoon was calm and presented few coral heads. « They were easily seen. (1) That LCU's be used for operation, only at slack water. approach purposes, (3) (2) That small craft enter That range markers be set up on landing site for island . OFFICIAL USE NLY