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Reference: (a) H. 0, Field Chart No, 4012





H. 0, Chart Ho. 6024


Sailing Direction Volume I 5-51

Same as Tarawa.


Survey was conducted by visual inspection from low flying aircraft and

the lagoon side of Fokaskku Island (H. 0. Chart No.2G@@@4) or Taongi (H. 0. Field
Chart 2014). The Taongi Island passage was seen at one hour past low tide abd at
high tide from the aircraft.

Coral heads are situated in the entire lagoon, many of which are uncovered at low .
tide, The; range in size from very small to very large. All the islands approaches
are cluttered with coral heads and care mist be exercised by small boats while
transiting tris lagoon.

Due to the narrow width of the passage, the current is very swift and turbulent

between slack water low and slack water high. ‘hen the passage was observed at
high tide, it was considerably calmer than at one hou pest low tide, Observations
indicated that it would be dangerous for amall craft to utilize passage in ite
present condition.

The lagoon side of Taongi Ialand appeared protected and the water was calm at the

time of observation (from 1300 to 1530 6 June 1955).

Several approaches were noted

which could be used by small craft. A certain amount of blasting of coral heads
was indicated tg insure safe beaching and retracting of small craft.
Use of an LST cannot be
sidered due to the narror passage and existing coral
heads inside the lagoon.
would be impractical to attempt to construct the
necessary channel for an operation of this nature.

An LOU/the only type craft which can be used to off load equipment and mterials te
the beach.

A limiting factor is transiting the passage after being off loaded from

the mother ship on the lee side of the atoll.

When observed from the low flying air-

craft, the lee side of the atoll appeared cali: enough to permit this.



(1) Hlast a passage wide enough to permit safe transit of amall

craft and clear the channel of coral heads which ere of an obstructing nature.


Clear coral heads, also of an obstructing nature to permit safe beaching and

retracting of small craft. (3) Allow small craft to transit passage only at slack water.
(4) The use of an LCU appears to be the only feasible and suitable method if considered acceptable from cost stand point and availability.
be get up on lending site for island a; roach purpose.



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