graphically tell our story of "pure research in support of applied

The nature of this film would be such that it would have wide

applicability and could be used by other organizations within the D.0O.E.
as well.

The amount of $6,000 requested in the FY 79 budget is an

estimated top-side figure.


We will not exceed that amount.

Laboratory Users Fees.
The “parent organization” for the MPML within the University of

Hawaii has always been the Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology (HIMB).
This has been a productive relationship with a number of investigators
carrying out comparative research at both laboratories.

Indeed, in the

world of coral reef biology, the two laboratories are often thought of
as the best locations to work on tropical Pacific reefs.

The MPML office

in Hawaii is located at HIMB and all of our operations are conducted from
this location.

We derive. many benefits directly from HIMB in the form of

secretarial and bookkeeping services, shipping and handling of supplies
and equipment, and general support of the MPML office - supplies, electricity,

Recently, the HIMB instituted user's fees to help meet costs. . The
fees are based on 4% of on-campus (in Hawaii) salaries.

The estimated

amounts are shown under the category of Other Direct Costs in the FY 79

and FY 80 budgets.

Administrative and Maintenance Assistance.
Traditionally two persons from the Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology

have gone to Enewetak twice each year to assist in the biannual inventories
of equipment and supplies, including chemicals and radio isotopes, and to

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