
Justification of Changes and Additions to the Operating Budgets.
Excepting for the up-grading of the Scientific Project Coordinator's
position, the request for funding for the Research Associate position, and
the new Facilities Maintenance Engineer position (see 16.d.1,2,3), the

educational documentary film (requested in the FY 79 budget), and the
laboratory user's fees, all the changes and additions are related to the
“stand-alone” capability of the MPML after mid-1980.

Costs for fuel con-

sumption, travel and subsistence must be viewed as "best estimates" at this

The following statements should further clarify these additions.

Educational Documentary Film


~In the future, as the MPML seeks to gain support from granting
agencies in addition to the DOE. it will become increasingly important
for the laboratory to tell its history of supporting both pure and
applied research and how the "best" results from a fruitful mixture of
the two broad areas of research.

For example, applied agriculture methods

for relatively poor atoll soils may have their basis in pure research on
soil microorganisms, or the development of giant clam mariculture may be
based on pure research on larval settlement and growth.
This problem was discussed with Dr. Richard A. Boolootian, President
of Science Software Systems, Inc., a Los Angeles based company which

specializes in audio-visual materials for education in science and medicine.
Dr. Boolootian is a scientist, he knows Enewetak, and he has helped us with
our two recent audio-slide shows "Mid-Pacific Matine Laboratory Briefing
1978" and "Enewetak - the Natural History of an Atoll."

He believes that


a short 16mm motion picture film would be the most effective way to

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