Deaths in 30 years



Births in 30 years

= 1277-1300

For a population of 140 (the number that returned to Bikini):

~ =+
Births in 30 years.,&=


‘ =Q


1;0 ‘ x

“ 40

= 32,,5.,

. .4.

For a population of 235:

Deaths in 30 years,

164 _


Births in 30 years, #


x = 70.07/~70
235 ‘


2:5 ‘

X = 545.62+550

For a population (of 350:

164 _

Deaths in 30 years, ~-



1277 _
Births in 3Clyears, —550 -—

, x = 104.36-100


350 ‘

X = 812.63,e 800

At the time the 13ikini book was prepared no agency in the U.S. government
had accepted the risk coefficients

in BEIR-111.

to use risk coefficients from BEIR-I.

Thus we were constrained

Nhile not included in the printed

book, risk estimates based on BEIR-111 were calculated for comparison

The following gives the origin of the risk coefficients used.

Select target paragraph3