






Senator Olymplo T. Borja

gant. 17, 1975

a child exposed at lees than 10 years of aga (2% of that group) compared

with 90% of the Rongelap children exposed et that age.

Another Important -

consideration is that the fallout occurred considerably later at Utirvlk

then at Rongelap and most of the more potent short-lived Lsotoves of Lodine

had died out.

‘The devalovmont of thyrofd cancer in the Utiril woman might

be considaxed ccpaxntely since thig is more vure,

Lt Is difficult howaver

,to make a case for vadlatilon efiect for ome such event.

As podntad cut


labove the latoy arrival of fallout at Utivlk, by veduction of short-lived
Lodine lsotopes, would tend to render the thyroid exposure mich less temore |

(3) Tha firet part of question 3 was answered above under #1.

I do

not believe that there fs basis for compensation in the woman with increased wiscarrieges during the first 5 yenrg after exposure. ‘There is

no evidenca that radiation was involved. Analysis of such occurrences
in the much larger population of Japanese woman exposed at Hiroshima and



Nagasaki do not show any such effect of exposure. Tha lack of birth de-~
fects in the viable childzen bora of exposed Rongelap. women who had mis~
carriages would seem to negate a radiation effect on the germ plasm as
@ cause of the miscarriages, Data on the exposed women subsequent to the
first 5 years show nearly the game incidence o£ miscarriages in the exposed and tinexposed Women.
(4) Regarding the death of although theze is no cer-tainity that his leukemlewas radiation-related the chances are in favor
of it. Therefore I beiLeve we should favor radiaticn etLlology for com-~
pensation purposes.
(5) Yt Ls not possible to be precise. Mowever, I will say that we
are well past the perlod when most radiatcice induced leukemias are noted,
With regaxd to.
> thyroid tumors the number of new cases seems to ba diminishing.‘


(6) I~ did not participate in the decision to tmve the Rongelap people
bsck and. perheps you had best refer this question to ERDA,
I might point

out thet our data on body burdens in people fiving on Pongelap show that
such Levala have always remined well below suggested guide lines.

I hope these answers will be helpful to you and I wilt be hanpy to
help in any further way [ can. Please let we know about developmenta with
cegard to the compensation bill.

With kindest regarda,.


Sincerely ,

Robert A, Conard, MD.





Select target paragraph3