unfolded, daily sick call and care of the radiation lesions were carried out by Doctor Shulman along lines decided in general conference
of the entire group. Whenepilation and skin
lesions appeared, Commander R. A. Conard,
MC, USN,was assigned primary responsibility
for documentation of the onset, incidence, and
detailed description of the skin lesions. During
the field phase, Lt. Robert Sharp, MSC, USN,
was given the responsibility for decontamination and collection of data from all sources on
the radiation intensities of the contaminated
atoHs and the calculation of probable doses of
radiation received. Paul K. Schork, HMC,
USN,was in charge of the Hematology Laboratory. The services of Doctor 8. H. Cohn were
requested, and made available by (SNRDLto
undertakea field study of the degree of internal
contamination, in addition to the studies that
were to be performed on urine samples returned
to the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, New
York Operations Office of the Atomic Energy
Commission, and the USNRDL.
The authors wish to express their gratitude
and indebtedness in particular to Doctor John
C. Bugher, then Director of the Division of
Biology and Medicine, Atomic Energy Commission, who came to the forward area and was
always available for counsel. In addition Captain Van Tipton, MC, USN, Director of Atomic
Defense Division of the Bureau of Medicine
and Surgery, Department of the Navy; Commander Harry Etter. MC, USN; Captain W. E.
Kellum, MC, USN; and Captain T. L. Willmon,
Commanding and Executive Officers respectively of the Naval Medical Research Insti-

tute: Captain R. A. Hinners, USN, Director

USNRDL, and Captain A. R. Behnke, MC,
USN, Associate Director NRDL; gave unlim-

ited support and reduced administrative procedures to a bare minimum, thus making it possible for the unit to be assembled and underway
in a matter of hours.
Upon arrival at Kwajalein, Rear Admiral
R.S. Clarke, USN, Commanding Officer United
States Naval Station, Kwajalein, supported the
project with all of the facilities at his disposal.
As a result, a laboratory and clinic was estab-




lished and operating within 24fhours after arrival of the medical team.
In addition, we wish to acknq@wledge the out-

standing contributions of Col.fC. 5S. Maupin,

MC, USA, Field Command Artfed Forces Special Weapons Project: Captainf H. H. Haight,
MC, USN, Division of Militafy Application,
Atomic Energy Commission;
Df. Gordon Dunning, Division of Biology and
Medicine, Atomic
Energy Commission; and Dr.JH. Scoville of
Armed Forces Special Weapong Project who in
addition to their primary dutifs, collected extensive data in thefield on the rg@diation intensities of the atolls and kindly fugnished this material tothe project personnel.
§Drs. T. 1. Shipman, Thomas White,* and Payge Harris of the
Los Alamos Scientific Laboratbry kindly furnished very valuable data on ufinary excretion
of radionuclides. The early stBdies of the Los
Alamos group in particular
qontributed significantly to the information of the degree and
nature of internal deposition[of short lived
radionuclides. Dr. G. V. L@Roy, Associate
Dean, School of Biological Sciehces, University
of Chicago, participated in thd early phase of ,
the study as a consultant to thef[Medical Group.
The authors of Chapter I arefparticularly indebted to Dr. C. S. Cook and thq Nuclear Radiation Branch at the Navy Radiqlogical Defense
Laboratory for information of energy distribution of the gammaradiation.{/ Data on radiochemical and radioactive decayjrates were supplied by Dr. C. F. Miller anfi the Chemical
Technology Division of USNHDL and Dr. R.
W. Spense of Los Alamos Scienfific Laboratory.
In collecting data on the
skin lesions, the
help of Billet Edmond, Magshallese school
teacher for the Rongelap group in interpretation was invaluable. Miss P§tricia Roan of
USNRDILprepared the histhlogic preparations of the skin biopsies and Mf. William Murray and George Needum of FUSNRDLand
C. P. A. Strome, HMC, USN] Naval Medical
Research Institute performed
the excellent
color photography.
In preparation of the material and writing of
Chapter V, the authors are indBbted to Miss C.
* Decenused.

Select target paragraph3