Neariv all of the lesions were spotty and de-

were absent until tae vieitle lesions developed
During the eary staves of ievelopment of the

~ejoped on exposed parts of the body not cov-

lesions, itching

ered by clothing during the fallout.

burrong and sheht pain were

experienced wil the more superficiai lesions
With deeperlesions pout “was more severe. The

deeper foot lesions were ihe most painful ana
caused some of the people to walk on then

heels for several dav~ during the acute stayes
Some of the more severe lesions of the neck
and axilla were painful when turning the (eau
or raising the APTS, The lesions ified peat

produce any constitunicial avinptoms.


Description of Skin Lesions*
Gross Appearame

The time of Uppearance ind the severity of
the lesions varied with the degree of skin on
tamination inthe different groups. The Ronvelap group, which showed greatest radioactive
contamination of the skin ¢according te instru
ment readings) were the first to develop Jesionand epilation at about 12 re 14 days after tae
aceident. They also had the most severe lesions
Skin lesions i: the vesser exposed Adlinginae
and Rongerik groups developed approximate!
one week after those in tue Rongelap group. and
were less severe and extensive The fot ris
group did not leveion any lesions which «ould
be attributed to irradiation of the skin ‘The
incidence of uleerating lesions inp the ditferen:

wroups reflected the relative severity of the sias

injury. Twenty percent of the Rongelap people

developed ulcerative vesions while only five pet

eent of the Allinginae and none of the Rongerrs

people developed uicerative lesions.


percent of the Rongeiap und Adinginae groupe

developed lesions, compared to only forty et

cent of the Rongermk group.

There were swore

lesions per individnal on the Rongelap eran
than in the Aginginae or Rongertk groups
comparison of he snerdence and time of apperu
ance of epilation ad eek lesions in the o«
groups is illustrated cru easly ay Froure |

* The deseriptiim of deste us ci fers tarhe Voarsta lee
unless otherwise indica ed

The ma-

ority of madividuals developed multiple lesions
particalar vy the Rongelap group), most of
which were superficial. There was a difference
of several days in the latent period before ce-

velopment of lesions on various skin areas. The

urder ef appearance was roughly as follows:
sealp owith epilation). neck, axillary region,
aurecubital fossae. feet. arms, legs, and trunk.

Lesions on the flexor surfaces in general pre‘eded those on the extensor surfaces. Tables
PE and 3.2 show inetdence aceording to age and

Time ot appearance of lesions in the various

Ir. the early stages all lesions were character-

ized by hyperpigmented macules, papules, or

inised plagues. (Plate 1.) These frequently
were small, 1-2 mm. areas at first, but tended to
‘oalesce ina few days into larger lesions, with
iolry, leathery rexture.
The pigmented stage of the superticial lesions
within several days was followed by dry, scaly
‘tesquamation which proceeded from the cenler part of the lesion outward, leaving a pink

ro white thonned epithelium. As the desquamaion proceeded outward, a characteristic appearinee of a central depigmented area fringed

with an irreguiar hvperpigmented zone was

-een (]'lates Zand 3). Repigmentation began in

the central area and spread outward over the

hext few weeks leaving skin of relatively nornal appearance. Plates 3. 4, 11, and 12 show
~uperticial jesions as thev appeared initially and
~Ix months later The midest mantfestation of
~kin injury was the development of a blotchy
nereased tigmentation of the skin with barely
verceptible desquamation, Such lesions were
nost often noted on the face and trunk.
EF pilition was usually necompanied by scalp

> Plates


17 and


Some indi-

cidath developed new sealp lesions over a
per od of about a month. Neck lesions usually
lida neeklace’ distribution, beginning anteri-

ly and spreading posteriorly.







These were
thiek hair


Select target paragraph3