Headquarters$Joint Task Force SEVEN
Washington25Y D. C.
1 October1957
a. U. S. Navy HydrographicChart No. 5203,North PacificOcean,

U. S. Navy HydrographicChart No. 6032, North PacificOcean,
bMSHALL ISLANDS- NorthernPart, Bikini Atoll.


U. S. Navy HydrographicChart No..6033, North PacificOcean,

Time Zone: M
Definitionof terms used in this plan:
“EniwetokProving Ground (EPG)u;‘tCloeed
Arealt:Includeethe l~d
areae of ENIWETOKand BIKINI Atol.le,the areas of the res~ective
lagoons and the water areaswithin three (3) miles to the-seaward
side of the respectiveland areas.
AreaT!:Includesthe EPG and adjoiningPacific areas in
which task
force persomel are deployedin supportof Operation
“DestructionArea”: Encompassesthe ground and sea areas around
the zero points for each shot from which ships and importantequipment, not necessaryfor the diagnosticmeasurementsof effects
program of that shot~ shall be removedprior to the detonation.
“DangerArea”: Will includethe EPG and an adjacentarea encompassing about 4COjO00 squaremiles. This area will be dangerousto
all ships, aircraftand personnel,due to hazardsfrom the testing
of atomicweapons. ~
Arean: A designatedairspaceover the land and
d Bikini Atolls,the wat
upwardsto unlimited
in the airspace
altitudes. ~
aircraf f
paes under the air controlof CTG 7.4.
ea will be announcedlater.

a. A series of tests of atomic weaponsand devices (codename,
OperationHARDTACK),to be conductedat the EniwetokProving
Ground duringthe Spring and Summer of 1958, has been approved
by the U. S. Atomicl%ner~ Commissionand the Departmentof
Defense. The serie$will consistof approximatelytwenty-five
detonations,five of which are of prhary interestto the Department of Defenseand approximatelyten each which are of primary
interestto and the responsibilityof the Los AlamosScientific
Laboratoryand the Universityof CaliforniaRadiationLaboratory,
respectively. First detonationis scheduledfor lSApril1958.
The series will be conductedas expeditiouslyas practicable,with
a completiontarget date of no later than 1 July 1958. Necessity
for possible reconsiderationof this completiontarget date is
recognized. A startingdate for the operationtiphase will be as
later agreedbetweenthe AtomicEnergy Commissionand the Department of Defense.

Select target paragraph3