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Annex 11to JTF SZVEN OperationPlan 1~
(1+)Make availablenecessarygasolineand dieselemergencygeneratora to provide essentialpower on FRED Island.
(5) Be prepargdto provide for emergencysubsist~nceof personnel
evacuatedfrom cmrthernislandsof EN1’ETOKAtoll.to FRED
(6) Aaaiat TG 7.1 and TG 7.4 in the evacuationof :%r~c~neland
items of criticalequipment.
e. Task Group 7.1

On order of CJTF SZmJ:
(a) Assist in the evacuationof personnelfrom islandsNorth
Of E3dR Island to EL.73cand FRED Islands.
(b) lMtabliehcontactwith RUHP or RJEh using the single
sidebandequipmentaboardthe USS BONUi mrmally used
on the SSB circuitto IUJHEEniwetok. Frequencieste
be used am listed in paragraph5a(2).
(c) EstablishCW contactwith the weather/radsafeislands
and Eniwetokusing tranamittarsand receiversavailable
aboardthe USS 80XER on frequencieslistedin para~eph

(2) In coordinationwith CTG 7.4 executeaircraftevacuationplan
for TG 7,3 aircrafton FRED and/orNAN Islands.
(3) Assist CTG 7.4 in the evacuationof designateditems of material.
‘AJ,executeevacuationof TG
(4) In coordinationwith CO tiAVSTtiK
7.3 aircraftfrom K’iAJAL31N.
(5) Pnvi de emergencyhospitalfacilitiesin the event shorebas
facilitiesbecome damagedbeyond use.
to islandsof W17E’IDK
(6) 3e preparedto &spatch resaue ~ies
and BIKINI Atolls on order of CJTF SEVEN.
(7) Be preparedto assist h emergencysubsistingof shore-baaed
(8) Be preparedto render assistanceto, or evacusteunkts based
on off-atollcites in the eventa typhoonor tidal wave endangers
these units.
f. Task Group 7.4
(1) On Order of CJTF WVEN:
(a) Evacuate designateditems of criticalmaterial.
(b) Assist in the evacuatingof personnelfrom IslandsNorth
of ‘3LLERIsland to EUi@,Rj
FRED or J.JfETIslands.
(c) Execute aircraftevacuationplan for aircrafton FRED
Island. Securg all aircraftnot evac!lated.

Select target paragraph3