Appendti 1 t~. nnex Kto $i~ ShW

Operations an No. 1-58

no aircraftdhall operateinsidethe
(3) After deturiatibi
air RADEX, or closer than 10 nauticalmiles from the
risingor visible cloud,unless specific~~ directed
otherwise. Non-expectedaircraftinvolvedin routine
operation encounteringunexpectedregionsof aerial
contaminationwill executea turnoutimmediatelyupOn
detectingeuch contamination.Cloud trackingaircraft
will executeturnoutfrom contaminatedareas at a level
of not more than 3.0 r/hr. If a tacticalor emergency
situationarises where aircraftmust enter the air
RADEX or visible cloud,tacticalexposureallowances
shall apply.
(4) All multi.engine tack force aircraftin the air at
H-Hour within 100 miles of the detonationpoint shall
carry a person designatedas radiologicalsafety
monitor,equippedwith suitableradiacequipmentand
a RADEX plot. This monitorshall be capableof calculatingallowableexposuresunder both tacticaland
(5) All personsin aircraftat shot ttie, or at suh=equent
times, shallwear film badgeswhen engaged~.noperations
in or near the cloud or RADEX track.
(6) Crew members of aircraftin the air at zero hour will
take epecialprecautionsto avoid (for at least 10
seconds)the direct ani reflectedIi@t r?sultingfrom
the burst, at the discretionof the •.’.rpln,~?
Thie may be accomplishedby protectiv?big:,deneity
goggles,by turningaway from the burst wil,il
eyes closed,
by coveringthe eyes with the forearm,by turning cockpit lightsup to higheet inteneityor by any combination
of the above.
21. In air and water the follotig continuouslevelsof radioactivity
are consideredsafe from the standpointof personneldrinkingand
breathing (uc-microcurie):

5 x lC&3 uc/cc (calculatedto H p~us 3 days)

22. The RadSafeGfficer,TG 7.1 will maintainetandard-typefilm
badge recordsof radiationexposuresfor all tack force personnel.
Recordswill indicatefull name, rank or rate, serialor service
number, if applicable,organization,home stationor laboratory,
date of exposureand remarks such as limitationson assignment
because of over-exposure. Upon completionof the operation,deposition of these recordswill be as follows:
a. A consolidatedlist of expoeurelistingall personnelin the
Task Force by full name, rank or rate, serialor service
number, if applicable,organization,home stationor laboratory and exposurein milli.roentgens,
will be forwardedto
the Chief, AFSWP.
b. A consolidatedlist of personneland exposure,as indicated
in para 2 a. above,will be forwardedto the Director,
Division of Biologyand Medicine,AEC.
c. A consolidatedlist of pereonnelmd exposuresof eaeh task
group will be forwardedto each Task Group Commander.

Select target paragraph3