
Headquarters,Joint Task Force SEVEN
Washington25, D. C.
1 October1957

AnnexK to JTF SEWN OperationPlan 1-58
1. Radiologicalsafety of all task force militaryand civilianpersonnel
is a commandresponsibilityand radiologicalsafety activitieswill
be performedthrough normal commandchannels.
2. The Commander,JointTask Force SEVEN will:
a. Assume overall responsibilityfor the radiologicalsafetyof Task
Force personneland of populatedislands.

Inform CINCPACof radiologicalhazards&ich may developin areas
outsidethe Task Force responsibility.

c. Furnishtechnicaladvisoryassistanceto Task Group Radiological
Safety Officers,to Trust Territoriespersonnel,and to certain
other agencies.
d. Maintain a falloutplottingcenter (FOPC)with displaysof current
air and surfaceradexes,radiologicalsituationmaps of atolls,
peripheralaerialand surfaceareas, and such allieddata as may
be appropriate.
e. Maintaina falloutpredictionunit (FOPU)with the assignedmission
of preparingfalloutforecastsfor each shot.
f. Establishand maintainradiologicalmonitoringstationson certain
populatedislands of the Trust Territoriesof the PacificIslands.
g* Arrange for monitors and couriersto accompanyradioactiveand
special cargo shipnentson sample return aircraftand to monitor
loading and unloadingof such cargo.
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3. Task Group Con&nders will:
a. Provide a radiologicalsafetyunit within their task group, and
insure that this unit is preparedto carry out the radiological
safetymission of their respectivetask group.
b. Providenecessaryspecialclothingand radiac equipnentto include
spare parts and repair and calibrationfacilities.The requirements
ofTG 7.5 will be includedin the allowancesof C’fG7.1 for issueto
TG 7,5 personnelas necessaryduringthe operationalphase, and for
subsequentloan or sale to TG 7.5 for post-operational
use at the
Eniwetok ProvingGround.
c. Provide GTG 7.1 with a roster of Task Group personnelfor the purpose of preparingand maintainingfilm badges.
L. The Commander,TG 7.1 will:
a. Perform all ground monitoringservicesassociatedwith scientific
missionsexceptthose in conjunctionwith aircraftand airborne
collectionof scientificdata. @*-i.c+ ~~m~~$~\~d-she+
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Providelaboratoryservicesand technicalassistanceto all task
groups,to include:
(1) Provisionof standard-typefilm badges and specifiedsupplementary items of personnelradiologicalsafetyequipnent.
(2) Laboratoryservicesto develop and interpretfilm badges.

Select target paragraph3