Annex J to JTF SEVEN OuerationPlan 1-58
This officewill be fully operationalby first shot
minus 15 days. The USS BOXER forecastingoffice requirementsare:
(1) Plot, display and interpretweather informationas provided
by the JTF SEVEN Weather Central.
(2) Provideoperationalforecastsand such other weather services
as requiredin supportof water-borneoperationsfromENIWETOK
and BIKINI Atolls.

b. Provide,man, train, administer,logisticallysupportand retain
operationalcontrolof other CTG 7.3 Weather Units Afloat. The
requirementsof these units are:
(1) Comply with existingweatherdirectiveswhen operatingoutside
a 50-mileradius of the U33 BOXER.
(2) Make specialweather observationsas directedby CJTF SEVIN.
(3) Transmitthe observeddata to the JTFSEVEN Weather Central.
(4) Be fu~yoperationti by first shot minus 15 days.
c. Provideship-bornefacilitiesfor takingminimum of eight surface,
four RAWIN and one radiosondeobservationdaily at BIKINI and having
the capabilityof increasingto one RA?iINeverytwo hours and one
radiosondeevery six hours immediatelyprecedingBIKINI shot times.
d. Provide,man, train, achninister$
logisticallysurmortand retain
operationalcontrol of the DestroyerWeatherElement. Destroyers
will make eight surfaceobservationsdaily at sea and specialwinds
aloft observationswhen directedyemployingthe followingsystems:
(1) High altitudeobservationsto 150,000 feet, employingthe
Winds Aloft SoundingProjectile(WASP).
(2) Medium altitudeobservationsto 35,000 feet, employingthe
5“/38 window-ejectingprojectile.
(3) StandardRAWIN soundings,using helium-filledballoonscarrying reflectortargets.
e. Provide specialweather observationsfrom the SecurityPatrol
Aircraftin conjunctionwith their primarymission.
f. Arrang~with Naval Station,KWAJA151~for:
(1) Operationalforecastsand such other weather servicesas
requiredin supportof securitypatrol air operationsfor
(2) Increaseof weather observationsto eight surfaceand four
rawinsondeobservationsdaily beginningon first shot minus
15 days. Transmitthe observeddata to JTF SEVEN Weather

Select target paragraph3