il* Communicationsservicerequiredby representativesof the Press
will be providedaboard the Press Ship by the Chief of Naval

TYPes of CommunicationFacilities.

General: Because of limited cable facilities,tide dispersionof operations,and the number of aircraftand ships
involved,radio will be the primarymeans of communications.
A limitednumber of submarinecable circuiteinterconnect
islandswithin the EXIWXTY3K
Atoll, and islandswithin the
BIKINI Atoll. Maximumuse shouldbe msde of these facilities to meet communicationsneedswithin each atoll. ‘he
use of unclassified”HFvoice radio circuitswill be kept
to a minimum and closelycontrolled.

(2) Major Radio Facilities:
(a) l%e major portion of landbased,militaryoperated,low,
medium, and high frequencyfixed radio transmitting
equipnentwill be locatedin the Joint Transmitter
Station(Bldg. 4) on FRED Island. The stationwill be
jointlyoperatedby lG 7.2 and ‘IG7.4, with TG 7.3
furnishingmatitenancepersonnelfor Navy type transmitters. Operationalcontrolwillbe under the Signal Officer,TG 7.2.
military fixed
(b) The major portionof the point-to-point
stationreceivingequipnentwill be locatedin the Joint
Receiver Stationon DAVID Island. It will be jointly
operatedby ‘N 7.2 and % 7.& under the operationalcontrol of the SignalOfficer,lti7.2.
(c) Facilitiescontrolcenterwill be locatedinBl&. 15,
FREO, jointlyoperatedby TG 7.2 and lG 7.4 under the
operationalcontrolof the SignalOfficer,IG 7.2.
(d) Task Group 7.5 will operateand maintain fixedradio
transmittingand receivingequipnentin Bldg. 81 EIMER
Island,ENINEToKAtoll. On NAN Island,in the BIKINI
Atoll, RI 7.5 will operate and mintain fixed radio
transmittingequipnentin the E 7.5 transmitterstation, and receivingequipmentin Bldg. 204. These
facilitieswill provideinter-atollteletypeservice,
and the inter-atolland ship-shoreradio telephone
rypto Facilities:
(3) Communication-Relay-C
(a) Joint Relay Center. All Task Force organizationswithin
the EFG will be servedby the Joint Relay/CryptoCenter
located in Bldg. 15, FRED Ishpd. The JointRelay/Crypto
Centerwill be jointlyoperatedby TG 7.2 and ‘IC7.4
under the operationalcontrolof the SignalOfficer,
TG 7.2.

Select target paragraph3