Tho operationalresponsibilities
of Task Groups 7.1 to 7.5,
inclugive,are listed in Annexes D throughH respectively.
c. Coordination.

Technicaldirectionof the diagnosticprogrsuwis the responsibilityof the Los AlamosScientificLab~ratory,Universityof
CaliforniaRadiationLaboratory,and other specifiedAEC contractors. Technicaldirectionof the Departmentof Defense
technicaland effectsprograms is the responsibilityof the
Chief, !iruied
Forces SpecialWe ons Project. Such direction
will, in all cases,be ex.rcis> throughthe Commander,Joint
Task Force SEVEN, and by him throughthe Joint Task Force

(2) The preparationand plarming for and conductof all approved
diagnosticand effectsprogramswill be accomplishedby Task
Group 7.1 (see Annex D). All such programawill be integrated
into an operationalplan by Commander,Task Group 7.1 through
close coordinationprior to the operationalphase. During
the operationalphase, personneland facilitiesof all agencies
participatingin such programswill come under the operational
controlof Commander,Task Group 7.1. Duringthe pre-operational
phase, all requirementsfor logisticsupport and for construction
will be coordinatedwith Task Group 7.1 and integratedwith their
requirefmnts. For the Departmentof Defenseprogram,such requirementswill, in addition,be coordinatedseparatelyby the
Chief, AFSWP, with the Commander,Joint Task Force SEVEN.
(3) The beginningand end of the operationalphase of Operation
HARDTACKwill be as agreedbetween the Departmentof Defense
and the Atomic Energy Commissionand will be announcedby
Commander,Joint Task Force SEVEN.
(4) EniwetokAtoll will be the primary base of operations,as well
as the principalport of entry for aircraftand ships.
(5) The provisionsof Commander,Joint Task Force SEVEN Operation
Order 2-56 (InterimPhase OperationOrder) as pertainsto
Task Group 7.2 and the operationof the garrisonforceat
Eniwetokwill continuein effectuntil rescindedor superseded by revisiGnsof this operationplan.
(6) Task Group Commandersare authorizeddirect communication
other componentsof Joint Task Force SEVEN and with other
agenciesconcernedwith the plaming for and executionof
OperationHARDTACK. Commander,Joint Task Force SEVEN, and
other agenciesas pertinentwill be kept informedof significant developmentsby means of informationcopiesof correspondence and by statusreporte.
(7) Instructionspertainingto search w.i rescue,naturaldisaster,
emergencyevacuation,and radiologicalsafety regulationswill
be publishedby 1 February1958. The troop and equipmentlist
will be preparedafter arrivalin the forwardarea.
(8) The principalshipboardfacilityfor Task Group 7.1 personnel
will be the USS BOXER.=n~ +* uSMs BINS~o~rA.
(9) This operationplan is effectivefor planningupon receipt.
When directedby CJTF SEVEN on or about 1 February1958, this
operationplan will become effectiveas OperationOrder 1-58.

Select target paragraph3