Sex in a Mormon Pooulation Residing in Southwestern Utah Exposed to Radioactive Fallout Compared With Cancer Incidence tor All Utah Mormons * Moneme 19671975, Male Mormons in the High-Fallout Area! 1988-1966 ¢ 1972-1975 Rate+ Rate 283 28.3 294 27.4 53 5 45.6 5.2 318 20.3 73 5 6.9 23.4 4 t.2 13.9 9.4 21.0 0.7 1.9 16.7 10.1 0 0 3 2 0 0 1.7 42 9.4 43.1 12 13.8 91.4 5.6 49 1.1 180.0 161.6 0.660 15.6 136.3 12.8 11.7 11.3 121.9 187.7 0.864 +52.8% Obeerved§ Expected§ 3 29 2 2 2s 18 24 _ 1958-1966 58.1 7.0 205 5.3 410 12.8 a5¢ 2 3 1.5 2.1 Lee oO a 14.0‘ 13.2 0 22.6 3 3 _ s¥ 2.0 48 vee 0.4 4.8 18.4 616 5.5 51.5 17.7 56.9 31.9 6g 3 8 6g 0.68 3.1 8.6 1.0 2.8 37.0 ag 2.0 6.4 40.4 7E 1.1 0.2 22.1 24 18.6 141.8 190.8 0.759 4 31 4 1 4¢ 33 42 +34.1% 3.4 21.1 1.2 1.3 0.3 35.0 37.8 7.8 111.9 5.8 4.6 0.5 82.3 93.1 1.202 4.9 216.1 5.3 18.2 §.5 164.9 193.9 1.144 Observed Expected 1 33¢ 1 3 1 27¢ 324 —7.3% 1972-1980 _ Rate 16.2 137.2 18.9 3.7 Observed Expected Mormons 1967-1975 Rate 2.8 17.5 0.9 0.8 Rate Female Mormons in the High-Faiiout Ares 32.5 44 Rate 432 5.6 4.1 1.6 20.4 1.1 0.7 0.1 13.5 15.4 11.0 $4.0 118.5 48.5 19.6 25.0 276.3 20.1 12.4 4.0 119.2 155.7 1.778 Observed Expected 974 1 46.0 0.9 1 0.5 2 11" 27¢ 9€ 0.9 3.7 14.0 1.3 4 1.3 6H 61g 52 3 1 27 364 1.9 24.5 1.4 1.1 0.1 18.8 21.2 +47.7% * Radioactive fallout occurring from atmospheric detonations of nuctear weapons at the Nevada Test Site between 19451 and 1962. Data have been adjusted for age and 80x; age adjustment for the three populations by the direct method with the 1970 US white population as the standard (JAC! 1980:65: 1169). TA” classes of cancer (of thre more radiosensitive organs) are those found in excess among the survrors of the nuclear bomb detonations at Hiroshima and Nagasaki: leukemia, lymphoma, cancer of thyroid gland, lung, esophagus {inctuded here are other cancers of the upper gastrointestinal [Gi] tract 141-150), stomach, coion, and breaat. $Al raten are average annual age-adjuated incidence of cancer per 100.000. §The number of cases observed is compared with the number expected. Expected case numbera were calculated by the following approach: the number of cases in each class times the average annus! age-adjusted cancer incidence rate for Utah Mormons divided by the average age-adjusted cancer incidence rate for the study population (Environ Rea 1981.25.86). , i Migh-tattout areas consist of the St George area, Parowan, Peragonsh, and Kanab, Utah; Fredonia, Ariz: and Bunkervilie, Nev. For some cases dates of diagnosis of cancer were not recalled with certainty. These were allocated to the broad time penods indicated in the table above. Those not clearly failing in a time period were assigned to a time period in the sequence in which they appeared, with conservative effect, ie, asaigned equaily to the earty (1958 through 1966), interim (1967 through 1971), and intermediate (1972 through 1980) time periods. The interim penod was not studied because the design is to compare an early period with a jater penod. Qindicates significant at P=.01. # indicates significant at P= 05 (two-tailed teat'*). brain tumors were found in the early period of this investigation, slightly more in males than females. Females had a slight excess of brain tumors in the later period. Throughout both periods there were five more brain tumors than expected. Plutonium and other actinides are known to be able to induce bone cancer, and a signifi- cant (P=.01) excess of this cancer was found both in early and later periods. Although females had a slight excess of bone cancer, males had the most cases, and a larger numberof cases in the later period than earlier. In total, there were eight cases of bone cancer, and 0.7 cases were expected. The lower range of whole-body radiation associated with fallout symptoms is about 50 rad, and the subgroup of 134 men and 105 women with a history of fallout effects probably had much larger doses of radiation than did the rest. That this is true is supported by the high ageJAMA, Jan 13, 1984—Vol 251, No. 2 adjusted incidence of cancer found for this group. In general, this group has excess numbers of cancer in the classes found to be in excess for the group as a whole, but proportionately greater. Comparison of the ratio of cases of cancer known to be in excess for the survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki with all other classes of cancer can help to confirm that the excess incidence of cancer in a population exposed to radiation is actually related to this exposure." In this investigation, this comparison provides assurance that the excess incidence of cancer is actually caused by the exposures to radioactive fallout. No other explanations for these effects were discovered in the investigation, ie, smoking, occupational history, or industrial point sources of carcinogens. The temporal trend of excess incidence of cancer seems to be consistent with the experience of the Japanese survivors, considering that the exposures to the southwestern Utah group began six years later and were sustained during a 12-year period and, to a lesser extent, during a subsequent 18-year period. The Japanese survivors have had a sudden acceleration of the increase in the cancer death rate, by about 2.4 times in the period 1972 to 1976." It seems probable that the largest increment of cancer in Utah is yet to come. Additional study periods (ie, 1981 through 1990, 1991 through 2000, and 2001 through 2010) are necessary to evaluate this later phase of cancer induction. A survey of chromosomal aberration rates in per- sons who experienced fallout symp- toms may be useful, and an evaluation of effects on reproduction during and after fallout exposures is needed. There is a need for morebasic scientific research into the molecular, cellular, and developmental effects of Cancer and Radioactive Failout— Johnson 235