Table 1.—Cancer incidence in a Mormon Population Residing in Southwestern Utah Exposed to Radioactive Faliout Compared With Cancer incidence for All Utah Mormons * Class Utah High-Faliout Area"’ (international Mormons Classification of Typet A+B A: Cancer of more radio- sensitive organs B: Other cancer A/B Diseases No., Revision 8) — Ail sites (140-207) Lung, raspiratory (162, 160, 163) Upper Gi tract (141-150) Stomach (161) Coton (153) Breast (174) Thyroid (193) Leukemia Lymphoma Total Melanoma (172) Brain, CNS (191, 192) Bone,joint (170) Other Total (Apoplar1)x100 A/B (Utah) 1958-1966 19671975, Ratet 228 Rate 354 Cb Ex- 1184, 76.0 served§ pected§ a Faltout-Effects Group 1972-1980 Rate 377 1958-1968 Ob- Ex 170 1028 1,922 21 served pected 16.8 20.0 ? 6.8 12.8 6 7.7 4.4 11.4 4 1.5 ao 4 2.0 7.0 19.7 31.9 3.7 74 10.7 101.8 5.7 34.6 14.0 20.1 16.3 417 10.1 177.1 9.0 9G 5 8 e{ 194 4 62 3 1.8 7.0 8.8 1.4 3.6 4.2 4.1 1.9 12.8 34.1 60.7 30.8 28.1 20,7 208.6 19.5 4.7 15.0 5# 1.6 8.2 a3 34 144.6 46 176.9 56% 1001... 0.3 36.8 39.6 Lae 10.1 130.6 168.4 1230 oo 459.5% 0.8 115.0 126.2 0.807 es) ee . Rate 1972-1980 - Ob- Ex- 319 6.3 1,064 1 0.8 served pected 0 Ob- Ex- 339 7.1 22 1 0.8 26 1 0.2 38 87 347 26 70 199 813. 13 2 3 Bg 1 1 5 224 1 04 0.7 0.7 0.1 0.1 0.3 3.3 0.4 Rate served pected § 14 274 14] 124 10 o2G 9g 2.8 8.1 14.2 1.7 3.4 5.2 45.1 2.68 138 86 @6 Lan 307 48 676 85 34 2 2 0 9g 1 189 2g 0.2 0.6 0.7 ae 0.2 0.2. 27 0.1 4 2.3 131 2¢ 0.1 70 1 0.1 Q.4 62.8 58.1 _ Lan 430 e4g 1046 0 oq 134 =~, Lae 2.4 2.6 bee .e 168 251 3.239 0 9 11 0.1 6.2 6.8 54 60 78 =. 6... 2B. #801A " Radioactive tallout occurring trom atrnospheric detonations of nuclear weapons at the Nevadae Test Site between 1951 and 1062. Data have been adjusted for age and sex: age adjustment for the three populationa by the direct method with the 1970 US white population as the standard (JNC/ 1980;65: 1 169). tA” classes of cancer (of the more radicsensitive organs) are those found in exceas among the survivors of the nuciear bomb detonations at Hiroshima and Nagasaki: leukemia, lymphoma, cancer of thyroid gland, lung, esophagus (included here are other cancers of the upper gastromiestinal [GI] tract 141-150}, stomach, coton, and breast. ¢All rates are average annual age-adjusted incidence of cancer per 100,000. §The number of cases observed is compared with the number expected. Expected case numbers were calculated by the following approach: the number of cases in each class times the average annual age-adjusted cancer incidence rate for Utah Mormona divided by the everage age-adjusted cancer mcidence rate tor the study population (Environ Res 1981;25:86). \itigh-falout areas consiat of the St George ares, Parowan, Paragonah, and Kanab, Utah: Fradonia, Ariz, and Bunkerville, Nev, For some cases, dates of diagnosis of Cancer were not recalled with certainty. These were ailocated to the broad time periods indicated in the table above. Those not clearty falling in a time period were aasigned to a time period in the sequence in which they appeared, with conservative effect, ie, assigned equally to the early (1958 through 1966), interim (1987 through 1971), and intermediate (1972 through 1980) time periods. The interim period was not studied because the design is to compare an early period with a later period. Gindicates significant at P=.01. #indicates significant at P=.05 (two-tailed teat '*). each household, including children born to these families during the period 1951 through 1962 and those who died in 19620r after. The period 1951 through 1962 was chosen to define the study population because the major exposures to fallout occurred in this time. However, the choice of 1962 as the end of this period is not intended to imply that fallout-induced neoplastic diseases of short latency such as leukemia could not have appeared before 1962. Volunteers were trained in the smaller towns to carry out a survey of this population between April and December 1981.In St George, trained volunteers were augmented with persons hired for this purpose. The survey form was completed by the surveyor and the head of the family and included an inquiry about church membership. Other questions concerned effects felt immediately after fallout (skin burns, eye burns, hair loss, change in hair 232 coloration, nausea, and diarrhea), smoking experience, employment, and diagnosis of cancer. Those who had a medical diagnosis of cancer were asked to supply information for a supplementary form: diagnosis, date of diagnosis, date of death if deceased, hospital where iast treated, nameof physician, and current address of the cancer patient or surviving relative. Cancer is a major life-threatening event that will be remembered by a person and by members of the family. The treating physician will inform the patient and/or the family of the diagnosis of the disease. A recent study reports that diagnosis in life correlated with death certificate cause and with unpublished data from the Utah Cancer Registry more than 90% of the time.” Information was also requested about spontaneous abortions, stillbirths, and malformations, to be included in later reports. When necessary, telephone inter- JAMA, Jan 13, 1984—Vol 251, No. 2 views were conducted. Telephone companies reported that about 2.5% of residents in this area did not have telephones. About 40% of the defined population could not be located in 1981. Loss of this portion of the population was thought to have a conservative effect on the data, ie, to be more likely to understate any association present. Less than 1% refused to cooperate. The year of diagnosis of cancer could not be recalled with certainty in about 18% of cases occurring between 1958 through 1980. These were assigned at random to periods 1958 through 1966, 1967 through 1971, or 1972 through 1980. Skin cancers not melanoma and benign tumors werenot considered, although a high rate of the former was reported, and an increase of benign tumors could be expected in a population with radiation effects.” The 1951 cohort at high risk was identified by 1962 telephone directories and availability for this study in 1981. The Cancer and Radioactive Fallout—Johnson