
It then becomes additionally clear that each point on the linear curve
dees not represent a single value of cell dose, with all dosed individuals
having received nominally the same value, as is implied in the term


“dose-response” curve.

Rather, each point equates

to an entire

distribution representing groups of cells with different doses.


distributions are implied in Eq. (1) showing that D = ZF, in that

to have a 2,

there must exist a corresponding distribution.


number of dosed cells at each value of z represents a yzraded series of cell
doses, identical in concept to such a series used in Md to determine the
probabiiity of an organ response curve as a function of dose.
A Cell Risk Meter:


“Microdosimetry”, although originally applied only in the context of

techniques devised by Rossi et al.

(4-6) to measure

the number of hits

per cell and their magnitude, has now been extended to include both
instrumental and calculational approaches to determining the same

It is perhaps more {illuminating to describe the ifustrument


A microdosimeter can be regarded as simply a proportional counter
containing tissue equivalent gas.

Even though the counter may be

centimeters in diameter, partial evacuation and suitable scaling permits
teady simulation of subcellular volumes of several microns
Each time a particle impinges on or traverses

in diameter.

the instrument, a single

"hit" is registered, aud the size of the resulting “event”, measured in


The idea of discrete, stochastic high-density energy depositions


from radiation exposure probably originated early with Dessauer's “point

heat" theory (7) and was certainly well appreciated by Lea (8).
agponse Se


these {deas were not formally developed until the "microdosimeter" was
invented by Rossi (4-6).
Its use has been more in the context of a
substitute for the quantity LET, to describe energy depositions within a
non~anatomically defined “gross sensitive volume” within the cell. The
idea of a “cell dose” was probably first applied practically by Bord and
Feitnendegen (9), and developed in NCRP Report No. 63 (10). The practical
application of the microdosimeter as a cell phantom with which

stochastically delivered cell doses could be determined is relatively
recent (Bond et al., Feinendegen et al., Refs. 11-14).


Select target paragraph3