
DOD DIR $200.10

iq vea Rept Elm Subj:
xadiv-tion Monitoring nnd Jperational veadiness
Plan for Pongerik Atoll
thoroughly briefed on all aspecta of their uission and that the re-entry
plan is appropriately coordinated with All acencies providing support for
his miasion.


Within two (2) days subsequent to the return of a re-entry

team, an 2ver-all report covering the entire mission will be submitted
in triplicate to this headquarters, ATTN: Director of Operations. This
report will include, but not be limited to, coverage of the following
important topics:


Conditions of equipment md its operational status in


Any unusual condition affecting special equipment which


indicates exceasive maintenance or replacement require-





Any abnormal condition of utilities and related facil-

ities which may adversely affect living conditions
when RONGSRIK is re-occupied for normal operations.

Any observation which indicates damge to or deterioration of equipment, housing and working areas or
impairment of supplies.

Any other pertinent observation which the Comnander,

Test Services Unit, sonsiders significant to the reestablishment of the weather reporting capability on

k. With reference to personnel who were evacuated from ROMUERIK,
the Connmmder, Test Services Unit, will submit a report which will reflect
the movement of each evacuee for whom he is responsible, to inclade dates
and locations, from the time the individual wee evacuated until he reaches

his nitimte duty destinction in the forward area.

Thereafter, a report

will be submitted on the individual whenever he is transferred vithin the
area and until he departa from the forwerd area in a permanent status.
These reports will be submitted to the Director of Tersonnel, this head,


Provided that radiological coutamination has dissipated

safely, the Commnder, Teast Services Unit, will re-establish the weather

reporting facilities to normal operation agubsequent to 18 “arch 1954.



DOD DIR 5200.1


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Select target paragraph3