jectassified 2
pop Dik 5200.14;

pec ossitie®
ve 5200-8
pod ©

Hq “ea Rert Elm Subj:
Mediation “onitoring and Operational Rer
"lan for Poagerik Atoll


forty (40) copies of » hani-drawn mp of HONGERIZ (not draw to scale).
Yetails concerning the foregoing rad/eafety requiresents first should be

obtains’ from Lt Colonel Jams E. Crosby, Directorate of Sperations, this
h. The Commander, Test Aircraft ‘mit, has bem requeate’ to
rrovide the Teast Servicss thit with the following items of equirmnt to

support at least six (6) pergonnel who will constitute the re-entry tenn:


Fatigue type suite


Teavy socks




“rotective gloves


¥atigue type caps


‘hoe protective covers


Tl8 monitors (anpraximtely four (4))


Film badcoes


Tocket dosimeters



S8ottles or other adequate containers for water, food,
and soil se=ples.

"he exact quantities, types end aises as epprorriate, of the above ites,
whieh are required fer this operation, will be transmitted to the Test
‘iroraft Unit through direct coordinative action by the Gommander, Test

Services Unit.

The Ted/afety mewber of each re-entry team tust insure

thet the protective devices and equipment are properly worn and/or used
at all times.


Tne Convnander, Tast Services Unit, will be responsible fer

orennizing the re-entry team and insuring that neossasry materie), particulsrly emerrency and protective eqiipenent adequate to meet the requiremante of the operstion, accompanies each re-entry party. Se will insure

that all personnel, including the afreraft crew, prssesea require! film
bedces, dosimatern, ate., this latter funetim to be coordinntead with the
Nadie. afety monitor.



POD DIR 5200.19

‘Ye will insure that the entire re-entry rerty are

Select target paragraph3