intensities of 0.6 mR/hr. The next survey, at noon on 4 March, indicated a slight drop
in intensities to 0.5 mR/hr; an aerial survey on 19 March indicated a further reduction

to 0.1 mR/hr.

Figure 2-6 depicts the radiation environment on Kwajalein resulting

Shot BRAVO as inferred from the survey data.

The 4 March

intensity of

0.5 mR/hr has been extrapolated back to 2000 hours, 2 March, using the decay
exponents derived from the Bikini fallout data (Section 2.2).

This indicates that the

fallout on Kwajalein probably did not peak until shortly after the survey conducted at
1800 hours on 2 March.

The 19 March intensity derived from the aerial survey data

appears somewhat higher than would be expected if the 4 March intensity is extra-

polated forward with time using the Bikini decav data.

Much moresignificance is

attached to actual ground readings, when available, than to ground intensities derived
from aerial survey data.
Secondary fallout from Shot ROMEO did not arrive at Kwajalein until 3 days
after the detonation. A ground survey on Kwajalein at 1545 hours, 30 March, indicated
an intensity of 0.05 mR/hr, approximately twice the Shot BRAVO background at that
time. Subsequent surveys on 31 March revealed intensities of 1-3 mR/hr.


surveys on 3, 8, and 12 April establish a rate of decay for the ROMEO fallout that is
proportional to rl, a ground survey reading of 0.1 mR/hr on | May supports the
decay rate established from the aerial surveys. Figure 2-7 depicts the total fallout on

Kwajalein following Shot ROMEOand the individual contributions from Shots BRAVO
and ROMEO,

Minor fallout also occurred on Kwajalein approximately one day after Shot

Surveys conducted during the afternoon of 6 May indicated maximum

ground intensities of 1.0 mR/hr.

Average intensities of 0.4 mR/hr were derived from

aerial surveys. Subsequent aerial surveys on 8, 15, and 16 May revealed that YANKEE
fallout also decayed approximately propértional to tt .

Figure 2-8 shows the

YANKEE fallout on Kwajalein as derived from the aerial and ground survey data. Also

shown are the contributions from BRAVO and ROMEOfallout to the total.
The intensity curves defining the radiation environment on Kwajalein during
Operation CASTLE are time integrated, by day, through 31 May.
free-field intensities are summed and tabulated in Table 2-2.


Daily integrated

Select target paragraph3