The third badged period terminated the day of Shot NECTAR for the crews of
the ESTES and PHILIP, and two days later (16 May) for the crew of the SIOUX.


the crew of the ESTES, dose calculations significantly underestimate the crews'
exposure as inferred from the dosimetry data.

As for fallout, only residual radiation

from Shots BRAVO and ROMEO are considered as contributing to crew exposure;

because the ESTES reentered Bikini Lagoon only briefly after Shots UNION and
YANKEE, ship contamination did not contribute significantly to the calculated dose.

The reasons for the poor agreement between the calculated doses and dosimetry data
for the ESTES during this period are not clear, but it should be noted that exposures
during this badged period are relatively low and account for only 7 percent of the
crews' average operational exposure.

For the entire operation, calculated doses are

only slightly lower than the mean of the dosimetry data.

Dose calculations for the crew of the PHILIP during the third badged period are
significantly higher than inferred from the dosimetry data.

Because the PHILIP

remained in Bikini Lagoon during most of the badged period (see Section 2.2.16), most
of the calculated dose (92 percent) is due to ship contamination, while residual
radiation from shots BRAVO and ROMEOis only a minor contributor. Uncertaintiesin
the ship contamination model alone do not account for the overestimation of crew
exposure; it is more likely that the contaminated lagoon water from Shot YANKEE

took longer to reach the anchorage areas in the southern part of the lagoon than the
few hours assumed in the analysis. Again it should be noted that exposures during this
badged period are relatively low and account for only 5 percent of the operational dose
for the crew of the PHILIP as inferred from the dosimetry data.

For the entire

operation, calculated doses are slightly higher than the mean of the dosimetry data.
. The correlation between calculated doses and dosimetry data for the crew of the

SIOUX during the third badged period is excellent.

Although Shot NECTAR fallout,

along with residual radiation from Shots BRAVO and ROMEO, contributed somewhat
to the calculated doses, approximately 80 percent of the calculated dose is due to the

ship steaming in contaminated water for five days following Shot YANKEE (see
Section 2.2.18).

The ship contamination model! described in Reference 6 was applied

for the full period to calculate the crew's exposure.


Results compared favorably with

Select target paragraph3