The first badged period covers Shot BRAVOfallout only, and agreement between
the calculated mean and the mean of the dosimetry data is quite good for each ship.
Calculated doses for the average crew for the ESTES, PHILIP, and SIOUX are lower

than the mean film badge dose by 28,

19, and

19 percent, respectively.

It is

interesting to note that the calculated doses for the decontamination crews on the
ESTES and PHILIP are quite close to the mean film badge dose, only 13 and 2 percent
lower, respectively.

The dose contribution from contaminated lagoon water during

this period accounts for only 5-8 percent of the total calculated dose for the crew of

each ship; hence, calculations based on radiological surveys obtained during and after
cessation of the BRAVO fallout appear to adequately describe the crews' exposure.

Fallout from Shot ROMEO was the second largest contributor to the total dose
received by the crews of the ESTES, PHILIP, and SIOUX.

The second badged period

reflects exposures due ta Shot ROMEO fallout as well as the residual from Shot

Fallout from other shots that occurred during this period did not contribute

to the dose on these three ships.

The dose contribution due to ship contamination

during the second badged period amounts to approximately 16 percent of the total dose |

received by the crews of each ship. The calculated mean for the ESTES is 24 percent
lower than the mean of the dosimetry data; again the agreement is quite good. This is
not the case, however, with the PHILIP and the SIOUX; calculated doses are almost

twice the mean of the dosimetry data.

Because ship contamination during this period

accounts for only 16 percent of the calculated dose, the overestimation could be due
to assumptions concerning crew activity scenarios during and after the ROMEO

The crews on these two ships may have taken more protective measures

during the ROMEOfallout than described in Section 3.1, where it is assumed that
normal duty routines were not interrupted by the occurrence of ROMEO fallout. When
the crews were mustered at approximately 0800 hours on 29 March, topside intensities
on the ESTES were only 8 mR/hr and duty routines were probably not altered. On the










30 mR/hr,

respectively, and it is probable that normal crew routines were somewhat altered to
reduce exposures.

This change, however likely, is undocumented and thus cannot be

used with certainty.


Select target paragraph3