NV/HEG Mtg. -Sept. 26-27, 1968
investigation of Ft.

Page ll

Irwin as alternate PILOT LIGHT site appears

reasonable notwithstanding the accompanying need for an
the Public Health Service network to cover

expansion of

that area.

The question of a safe overpressure for helicopters involved in the
exercise was resolved by the explanation that the helicopters would

be airborne at


time of detonation.

In response to the question of the possibility of a non-exercise source
simulating the radar signal to the aircraft,

described in detail.

The command signals are carried by UHF data link.

Three crystal controlled channels,
preselection and utilization.

or frequencies, are available for

There are four code options for use as

desired on the channel selected.
modulated signals.

The signals transmitted are tone

There are two basic modes by which the exercise air-

craft is picked up and tracked,

skin track mode and beacon mode.

modes may be selected in skin track only,

beacon track.

the TPQ-10 radar was

beacon track only,


or skin/

It is intended that the beacon only will be utilized in


If a bomb is not known to be safe,

there is a provision to remove not



only safing power but all pulse power by disengaging a circuit breaker

which insures cutting all power to the weapon.

An indication of such

an unsafe position after the weapon has been armed would He by the light ing of warning or disagreement





$3 FA

Select target paragraph3