idward B,. Giller


It is understood that Chairaan Schlesinger wrote a letter to
br. Kissinger on June 16 summarizing details up to that date.


understand that this letter resulted in a request to Interior to

“slow down’t its talk about the isacdiate retum of the Marshallese
to the Atoll. Within AEC, Nr. John Ryan of the General Nanager's
office is overseeing staff efforts at the moment with the principal
swork being performed by the Division of Operational Safety.

RA has found it necessary to roview its PACK planning as a result
of a quarantine waich was imposed on Runmit Island on May 24, 1972.
The present quarantine resulted from a survey which confirmed the
existence of a significant level of radioactive coatamination on the
island, This PACh surveillance team, now scheduled to depart for
himit July 26, will provide the information by which DNA will decide

wnether to:


proceed with plans to use kunit Island,


abandon the island for another site, or


conduct the experizent on Runit using additional precautions.

this surveillance team will be comprised of eight members: Air Force
Weapons Laboratory ~- 2, UNA -- 3, ARC -- 2, and CPACWERL) ~- I,
Preliminary cost and time estimates will also be developed under the
aegis of INA, AEC has offered its data and other technical assistance
ia developing these estimates. There is a difference of views between
i. Royer Ray (NV) and ite. Earl Eagles (ONA} over staffing, scheduling,
and logistic support of the cost and tlae estimate study, Hr. Ray believes
tne ACC boat will provide inadequate transportation, that the survey
Saiould comuence on August 2 vies August 9, and that Holmes §& Narwr
engineers should be included. 1 concur with Mr. Ray. I would also like
tO mote that isd has, to oy anowledge, made no attempt to define options,
assuuptions, or criteria to dsatarmine costs and times. Hr. Ryan has
wsked Ur, Siles to call Hr. Eagles to see what can be dons to accomodate

ix. Ray's wishes, bota as to scope and timing of the study.
of lojistic support remains open.

The subject

Select target paragraph3