Edward B, Giller
Assistant General Manager for National Security

2iejor General Frank A. Cama, USA
ASsistant Ganeral Manager for Military Applicatio


Three U, S. Government agencies in particular have been engaged in
considering the future disposition of Eniwetok Atoll. These are DOD
(ASO/ISA and DNA), Department of the Interior, and AEC.

of each are understood to be as follows:

Ths interests

DNA and AFSL have been planning the conduct of a series of hign
explosive Pacific Area Cratering Experiments (PACE) on Runit


. Anbassador Franklin Haydn Williams (Department of the Interior)
in April 1972 armounced an intention of the U. S. Government to

retum the Atoll to the Trust Territory (of the Pacific Islands}

by the end of 1973.

A&C will provide radielogical cleanup support.


ASO/ISA anticipates DOD will conduct cleanup and plans an
interagency meeting August 21, 1972, to discuss details.
(See attached ASD/ISA merorandun. }

Several developments are taking place at the staff level to join the
efforts of the respective agencies, Interagency staff meetings have
seen held between AEC (Division of Operational Safety) and DNA wherein
technical data on contamination has been discussed and reviewed. A
UZA sponsored, jointly manned health physics surveillance team is

scheduled to visit knivetok for a week beginning July 26 te investigate

the feasibility for resuming work on the PACE experiments. An additicnal
tean to develop data relating toe cost and time estimates is planned by
USA for a week's Stay beximing August 9; however, this does not aonear
to ba particularly wall conceived and probably will not provide the
cusired information.

Select target paragraph3