

Leading LOM which se


and LOi's whieh placed barge into

LSD in the late afterncon before the ehet, end after arming.


Returning the ISD inte the proximity ef channel entrance.


Discharge of the LCU and the LCM's from the LSD te set new moorings.


Sailing of the LSD to Bikini fer next chet barge return.

Firing of the shot with the LSD standing by et sea.

Surveying lageen contamination by probing from emphibicus craft
airborne from Mkini er KEvejalein.

fhe above ordar of events ean be sccomplished in about the same lengthof tine
as now required at Bikinf and Enivetok in the staging of barge shots in the.
Bikini Lagoon.
here seems to be no reeson that extra time veuld be required since the device

weuld be staged from Bikini rather than Enivwetek, and the diagnostics equipecnt
ary runs would be simpler.

Our Concept of the type end the operation of @ diagnostics ship comprises the




he procurenent of the ship should be funded for and obtained by
the Atomic Energy Comission on a time base of 6 years for its
eentinued use.


The ship cealdé be operated for the AEC by Task Group 7.3 or Task
Group 7.5 with the primery mission ef housing experimental yersennel, edtaining experimental data, acting es the firing control ship.
This shin, of course, can be used by other agencies, such as Tazk
Group 7.5 in support of barge mooring fecilities. UCRI, would plan
% place the dfaonestics ship on berth in the San Francisco area

prier te the operational phase of Hardtack. There, all diagncetic
gear would be installed, checked, and epsrated pricr te sailing

for the forward area. The saving in time overseas for diagnestic
pereonnel fren this fact elone will be 3000 man days plus the fact
that relfability ef eperatien will be aasured upon arrival overseas.


Type of Ship
In cur estimation, a ship such as an AV or an AGC is not required.
The lergsst spece allocation shoard would be living quarters to
house an estimated 200 TG 7.1 and TC 7.5 personnel. Ne lerge cargo
space is necessary, but the inclusicn of shop space and laboretory
space is required, theagh the shops do not need to be as large as
these on the Curtiss. Heavy shipdsard erenes ave not required.



Select target paragraph3