
seg ©

Logistics and Support

As a start, in a discussion of this subject, it is pertinent to first describe

our concept of a list of operations events, which we feel could be typically
utilized in placing the first barge in position.
Two things would be necessary in obtaining the optimum compromise of dollar
expenditure versus operational time seving in an operation involving Taongi.

(1) Airstrip
We feel that an airstrip suitable at least for C-47 use is essential at

Taongi. Experience has shown that the requirement for fast transportation often erises when trouble develops with equipment, or additional
personnel are needed quickly, or a medical evacuation is necessary. The
closer ons approaches the shot date, the more important this consideratian


The freedom of being able to shuttle personnel and eqiipnent

is a great help in maintaining e fest firing schedule especially when

keeping miltiple firing cepebility. It is recognized that contamination
and water borne debris can be problems in trying to msintein usefulness of
an airstrip after the first shot. The Tare strip in Operation Castle was

used considerebly after Bravo and some of the other shots. It is felt
that an airstrip, even with limited later use, will lend enough efficieney to the operation to warrant its installation.

We feel that this is -

true in spite of the fact that no one agency, probably, could justify
the total expenditure on its own necessity.


Critical Device Handling Facilities
Critical storage, device assembly, and shot barge loading facilities
located at Bikini on Nan will facilitate maintenance of the desired
seven day firing capability at Taongi and the required firing capapility according to Schedule I if Taongi is not occupied. It is feit,

based on the nuiber of shots alone, that the installation oc? such
facilities at Bikini is justified for either schedule.

Assuming that the two above items have been acquired and the Taongi
moorings are in, a firing of the first shot at Taongi would entail: |


Placement of the device abcerd the shot berge in a berge slip or
alongside the pier at Nan.

(b) Loeding of the berge into an LSD in the Bikini Lagoon.
(ec) Transporting of the shot barge to Taongi in the LSD.

Unloading of the shot barge in deep water off the channel entrance

et high slack vater.

Warping of the ehot barge through the channel with LOM’s and trans~
porting it to the zero site.

(£) Mooring and orienting barge.
(g) Arrival of the diagnostics ship off shore in the lee o2 the atoll at
the tine of barge mooring os before.


Two days of dry runs abelian of dfagnostics ship,


Select target paragraph3