recerted in fish collected fren Kwajalein lagoon during 1972 was

exceeeively high, and these rezults appear to be incaons:stent with ather
envirenmentel data from the lagoon.
These results alsiz chow that
concertration factors for pluteniem in fish muscle and sene tissues apnmeer
to be ingepandent of species, trophic level and location, which ieed= ta
the belief that there is ~ great deal of validity in the concept of a
concentration factor far estimating concettratians ao* plutonium in fish.
Record - 72

“DIALOG File 194:
AlX-10:422891, EGR-79:137940
Title: Cetermination of transuranium elements in a so-called ‘Bikini ash'
sample and in marine sediment samples collected near Bikini Atell
Authors Hisamatsu, 5.
(Akita Univ. (Japan));
Sakanoue, M.
Scurce: Health Fhys. (United Fingdem)
y 35:e.
Tate: Aug 1978
301-307 p.
ceden: HLTA
Cocument T.ce: Jsurnai article
wancdege: English
Teurnmal Anneuncemert: EDE?II TSt4a
wen Atemindes input.
work Location: Japan
@bstract: The concentrations of ‘sup 229 +2499/Fu and /sup 241/Am in the
ces7ie Fron the second therncnuclear test detenatian of the USCA (Brava.
were detertined,
This detris. celled Bikini Ash, was cellected in 1984 cn
the ceckh af the Tapanzee fisherboat ‘Sth Fuburvu-Mara’ which wae located
ame .20 kn to the exet of Batara Atell at the time cf the trerncnuclear
A Portion of the 756 sample was subjectec to cadiachemical aneiyeis
ry 1774.
The codcetteatione cf “sin 22? +/ /eup c40/Fu and /sup 241/Am in
th samcle were detearminec to be 25.9 + - 1.7 and id.t + - 0.9 die-min/ma,
rescrectiveiv. From these vsiues, the ratio of ‘sup c4oleFu//sup 239 +260/Fu
at time caro tat talculated te be ¢5 + - 3, and this ratio was almost the
Seems ac
tnerroncclear debris. T me “sug 239 +290 /ru and /eup
Selfam contents sf the marine sediment samples callecteq
near Bikitzi Atell
were alec analyzec. 2sg 4 zigauificant rentamiratian with these nuclides wes
fount to te Etill ramairirg ir this area.






“BIALOG File 14:
Title: Micrenesia:
America's strategic trust
Sutroer:s Johneoen, &.
Ssurcer Buli. At. Sci. (United States)
v aSse.
Tate: Feb 1579
15-15 p.
coder: BESTAé
Decument Type: Journal Article
Language: English
eourral Anncuncement: ELB7910
(Technical Infermation Certer).
work Location:
United Etates
Azetractt: Operation Creesreads by the US was designed to test the
deethuctive power of muclear weapons. The inhabitasts on Ribini and
Enéweteh were maved te uninhadited atalis in the Marshall Islands, with the

Select target paragraph3