Fesearcn Abstracts’.
Werk Leration: United States

Abstract: Fron 1977 to 19981 the Department of Energy as awarded 3c

grants fo- emall-scale energy prajects in the US FPacivic Territories. A
critics] issue with these projects has been transferring the tachnealogy
within tre community ence the goroject has been completed. Certain projects
are more successful at this tnan others. There are elements commen to
projects which are the mest successful in this regard. In addition, there
appear ta be five differert types cf technology transfer processes. This
paper identifies these processes, illustrates each with a case study, and
points cut the commen elements. Ferhaos this information can be used when
designing other prejects to facilitate technelagy transfer in developing
Record - :9


“BIALQS File 194;
ERR-07 POLES, INS-32:012537, EDB-8£:111172
Title: Dynanice of radionuclide exchange in the calcareous elgae Aaliteca
at eneeetak Atoll
Author: Soies, A.B. ‘Lawrence Livermore Lab., CAs Marsh, K.V.3
Bcurce: Limnel. Oceancer. (United States)
vw cel.
Tate: 1931
74-35 c.
Cedes: LIDIA
aiteract Ma.: W-T405-ENG-48

Cocume it Tynes Journal A-ticle

Lancuagas Erglisn
route? Saqcuntement? EDREGLC7
(US Atominde: inpauti: ERA
Energy Fesearch Abstracts).
dark Location: United States
Sbetcact: Measurements o* /sup 2239 +240. Pu in the detrital inclusiens and
in gcid-eriuble aid acid-insoluble fractions of Halinedz macrophysa ehowed
zs toi-feld bPisgher ceoncertration in the acic-irseluble cceenccytic filaments
thaaiin the sacid-s:luple fraction.
In a cepuratian experiment with
Halimece increzsate et Erawetak Stall the loss rete cf six radicosucilides
Was Measucved.
Gata for /erp 60/Cc. /sup 157/0s. aad /fup iMe//sup mesh
we-e “3t to loss curves Dy using ene term for exponential lese: deta for
faupn LSS/Eu, /suo 239 +249/Pu, and “sip £41/4m required two terms.
earth red:enuclide, compartment size and transfer functicrs were determined
“ar tre agroapriate one- and two-comcartment medeis.
Of 26 possibile
two-compartment models, cnly seven cave sclutions with cur data.
identical Icss rates were obtained for /sup 155/Eu, /sup 239 +240/Pu, and
fetp 241/Am in the fast-exchanging compartments for all seven medels.

upteke rates for these nuclides were also similar when uotake rates were

normalized ta local sediment concentraticns.
The fast-exchanging
cempartrent prebably corresponds ta the mucilage surface layer cf the
coencevtic filaments.
Tha identity of the slow-exchanging compartment is
lese cartain but it may correspond to the skeletal surface.
Recerd - 3H
SDTALIG File 194:
AIA-13:é525553, ELR-32:¢ 60544
Title: Tale sf twe islands: Bikini and Enewetak


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