ENEFSY SCIENTE AND TECHNOLOGY: 1974-1990 NUCLESR SCIENCE ABSTRACTS: 1948-1972 NTIS: 1966-1550 SECFIF: 2 73£-1990 Izens 1138 Description ENSHETAL OR RONGELGP OR BIKINI GR RONSERIE OR KWAJALEIN OR AILINGINGE OR JTIRIK OR BIKAF 1188 ENEWETCE OR RONGELAF OR BIKINI OR RONGERIK OF EWAISLEIN OR AILIMGINAE OR UTIFIK OR BIKAR £57 Se AND LASENGLISH 1267 C2 OR TRUST () TERRITORY(2W)FACIFIC OR FACIFIC(I PROVING’) GROUMD S45 54/T1.DE $31 SE/ENG 14 $6 Aud NT=ECCE a S7 |aND DT=JOUANAL AFTICLE 178 S$ «HD CT=IQURNAL ARTICLE 16 FD S7 unique itene: ize FD S$? (unique iter) 32 St 54 $5 Ss 3° $3 £9 zt Sii 7 perant dil yee Teall vis fisimaii FST tiv 7G lh Via ETALMAIL mates 1020455 .item £ fran file: HNV-89 eho gta, euther: Caller, &.k.: Tetler Evalutian cof -tems $-1EE) eet. cost cf #4716 162: EUW-S9:097 OYE Echlenger. £.3. reef and atcli sargia carhonete i Set $1 » MWooer Eacene chreugs lowe- hiccene, Enewetak., Marshal. Islands Taawterents Title: Arnual teating of the Ame-ican Azzaciation of Tetreleom becleorieys Tenference Loecaticon: Howstaa, Tt, USH Conference Date: £9 Mer 1548 PLbligrac: AvECL TE Agzcociation of Petroleum Geologists, ulse, GC bp ate: S25 “OG. PB. Feport Naw: CONF-390301Document Type: Books Conference literature Language: English Journal Anncuncerent: ETDSSo0 Avallebility: American Assaciation of Petroleum Geologists, F.O. Box $79, Tulsa, QOH 74101, Sibfile: ETD (Enercy Technelosy Data Exchange). NOV (DOE cestractor) Country of Fublication: United States Work Location: United states sbstract: Two wells drilled along the margin af Enewetak Atoll penetrated Ppprcuimately 1,000 m of upper eacene, Oligacene, and lower Miocene larbeng tes. STrantium isetene stratigraphy indicates relatively continucus denesitia’a af carbonate from 49 Ma te 29 Ma. Depesiticvial envirenments show & Gvéedcal bacinward p-og-adation of facies with slope carbonates passing upward inte fere--eef, reef, back-reef, end lageonal carbonates, Sleape sts ft Strate cartain wackestane= 5004%b23 and seckhstones with submarinzs-rementec