







There were significant areas of surface deposition in the

United States with activity greater than 500 d/m from 10 through
28 November 1952 and the fallout occurred in isolated patches up
December. The maximm valus reported was from MIKE debris;
10,000 d/m at Boise, Idaho on 10 and 11 November, The second
highest value was 9,800 d/m at Ft. Worth, Texas, on 23 and 2h
' November, probably due to KING debris. it is balieved that all
fallout in th UnitedStates up to 22 Noverber was dus to MIKE
material and Gost OF tie deposition after tai daie was aus W


deposition in rain, compared to deposition in no

rain, is evident in the IVY data, in agreement with data from


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previous tests (see Section 6.2).


It is possible to trace four separate patches of fallout -

_. passing over the United States from west to east, at speeds |
Slower than the winds aloft.

The first entered northwestern

United States on 10 November moved across the northern tier of
states and southern Canada and left the east coast about 18
November, being found both in and out of precipitation. Apparently,
the origin of this material was the portion of the cloud initially
in the trade winds that moved northward around the west limb of



the Pacific high cell (see Figure 3.2).

A second patch entered California on Uj; November with depori«

tion occurring both in and out of rain, The history of this patch —
is uncertain but probably represents part of the upper tropospheric
’ MIKE cloud. which moved eastward over the Hawaiian Islands

Figure 3.3).

The third patch entered northwestern United States and

southern Canada on 19 November. This marged with the second patch
witch was depositing material further south. The activity from

this fragment of the MIKE cloud was generally below 1000 d/m.

On 22 November, the activity suddenly rose to 2900 d/m in

rein at Ft. Worth, Texas. The following day, also with rain, the
same station reported 10,000 d/m and during the following days
mary stations in the midwest and east began reporting activity

in the thousands of d/m. It was not possible to carry trajectories
of the KING clond to the United States, but it is likely that
the abrupt increase in activity 22 to 23 November represents the
upper tropospheric cloud from KING which was show over the

Hawaiien-Isiands on 19 November (See Figure 4.3) because reasonable

winds (about 50 knots) would have carried the debris from Hawald




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to Ft. Worthon the twenty-second.

Select target paragraph3