
atomic cloud. Disturpances in the trade winds modify the prevailing eastnortheast flow for periods of,a few days but the
effect is to enlarge the trade wind cloud rather than alter
the general westward drift. It is possible, however, to reduce
the probability of contaminatian in some areas affected bythe
Ivy debris by scheduling future tests in different months.

Figure 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3 show the monthly average trade
wind flow at the surface as of the first of January, March, May,
duly, September, and November,

Ths shaded portions Gack the areas

of mixing between the trade winds of northern and southern
hemispheres - areas of increased precipitation and generally
disturbed weather. Disturbed weather does not affect the entire
shaded area simultaneously, for the storminess is, generally,

confined to narrow and intermittent bands (often two east-west _

bands roughly parallel) perhaps only 100 miles wide.

The areas

indicated on the figures include the normal north-south range
of this intermittent band of storminess and seasonal variation
of rainfall is the result of the seasonal movenant of this disturbed weather zone.

‘These figures present climatology that might be useful for
: general planning. For exanple, the probability of rainout

-hezard is maximized in the shaded areas.

The second map of

Figure 5.3 corresponds to the time of Operation IVY and illustrates
the prevailing flow from Eniwetok to southern Asia. This was
corroborated by the radiological data. The second map of Figure

5.2 on the other hand, illustrates the fact that the fallout and

rainout at Guam, the Philippine Islands and southeastern Ania
would be minimized in late sumer.

In addition to fallout from the trade wind Layer, the total

activity could be greatly increased by superimposing material from

‘the upper troposphere.

Such superposition might be caused by a

current of "deep easterlies".

Occasionally, the winds at Eniwetok

‘blow from the east throughout the troposphere - from the surface

to 55,000 feet. Bomb debris that stabilized in the troposphere in
such a situation would move toward the west with little stretching

.go that the amount of radioactivity available for fallout and


rainout would be relatively large. Showers are more frequent over
islands so it would be possible for a long column of this
concentrated debris to move over an island such as Guam and be
scavenged by rain. The meteorological conditions necessary for the

"Vertical shear in disturbances is more pronounced than in the
undisturbed trades, producing a greater than normal cross-stream
stretching of the atomic cloud,

- 30-

Select target paragraph3