The arrival of KING debris at each station is not

- a8 clear-cut as it was for the MIKE test since residual radio-

activity from the first test was present over the entire northern

Pacific Ocean at the time of first arrival of KING material.
Fresh debris is usnally indicated quite clearly, however, by an

abrupt rise in activity from one day to the next. Such indications
ave consistent with the analysis shown, with two exceptions.

Jomston Island, according to the broad meteorological features
Was again several days late in showing the first arrival of radio- activity. Tap showed an abrupt rise the day following the KING

burst, but it is not included in the area outlined for 16 November.

meteorological date.

Material from KING would have had to mve

- faster than 35 knots in order to arrive before 1830 GCT, 16 November a speed significantly higher than any observed in the area. Furthermore, if the debris was present late on the 16th, it would have
contributed significant activity to the following day's sample, yet
the paper exposed 17 to 18 November showed a sharp decrease to a

- level consistent with residual radioactivity from MIKE.

The argument

based on radiological considerations concerns the magnitude of the
activity. The distance of Yap from the test site as well as its

‘latitude would not lead one to expect it to receive mre radio-

activity than stations closer to Eniwetok. If the basic data were
entirely correct, however, application of the growth factor
appropriate to KING debris, would result in a figure of about

- 200,000 d/m which would be the highest value observed in the
entire network for the KING burst!

The fallout appearing to the west of Eniwetok is
essentially from the trade wind portion of the cloud and from the
lower portion of the material initially in the upper troposphere.
The areas of fallout eest of Eniwetok are derived from the remainder
of the upper tropospheric portion of the KING cloud. The areas
- covered by the KING fallout differ slightly from the areas associated .
. With the MIKE test. The second test spread debris further south
into the equatorial regions andslightly closer to Japa. The
fallout from the segments of the cloud which were carried eastward
arrived sooner after the KING test and probably extended a little

further south.

It should be noted that the estimated outlines do

not indicate the magnitude of the activity inside the areas.
Evidence suggests that while the total area of failout from the

KING shot may have exceeded that from the MIKE shot for the first

few days, the total radioactivity deposited on the surface was
greater for the MIKE detonation.



The reasons for not including Yap in the fallout area estimated
' ap to 1830 GCT, 16 November are based on both radiological and

~ 28 -

Select target paragraph3