
Trade Wind Portion
‘The path of the trade wind portion of the KING

cloud (Figure 4.2) is similar to that of the MIKE cloud, moving

westward and splitting east of the Philippine Islands with one


part continuing westward and the other moving around the west
dimb of the Pacific anticyclonic cell. The main difference
between ths tw IVY cleuds in this layer Lies in the more

southerly track of the KING material which is located, on the

average, almost five ‘degrees farther south than the MIKE cloud. :

We 32

Uoper Tropossherie Portion

This portion of the cloud, as seen1 in Figure 4.3,

ds carried both toward the east and west, the upper and lower
layers diverging more quickly than did ‘the corresponding parts of

the MIKE cloud.

The layer between 30,000 feet and 0,000 feet, —

epproxmnately, quickly curved toward the west into an area where

the east winds extended from the surface up to about 0,000 feet.
The upper part (0,000 to 55,000 feet) of the high tropospheric

. Cloud moved eastward, passing the longitude of the Hawaiian
Islands within four days after burst time, which was two days
less than the time required by the MIKE cloud. The first fallout


on the Hawaiian Islands, however, was detected five to six days

after each burst (in rain), apparently because the KING cloud
initially reached the longitude of the Islands a little further
south than did the MIKE cloud.

“hed03 | Stratoepheric Portion .

days, near the Asiatic mainland. The portion of the KING cloud,
if any, which may have reached above the base of the westerlies:
at 75,000 feet at burst time would have a path quite different
than that shown. Instead of moving westward, it would have drifted
slowly southeastward during four days following the KING burst.


.Areas of KING Fallout

k.3. l


The estimated ereas in which there was debris

' deposited during the first six days following the KING shot are

for the MIKE shot.

- 26 ~-






shown in Figure 4.5. The method of preparation and the meaning
of the lines in this figure are similar to those of Figure 3.5



The highest portions of the cloud (Figure h.)) were
carried westward at 20 to LO knots, curving northward, after four

Select target paragraph3